
Capitalism & Crisis > Nature of crisis

A weapon for the movement

10 May 2012

Comrades in London are beginning their collective study of Marx's Capital. Jack Conrad introduces what is still an unequalled work

Getting close to the edge

03 May 2012

With the UK officially entering a double-dip recession and European voters turning against austerity, writes Eddie Ford, crisis is everywhere

Expecting the unexpected

12 Apr 2012

The euro crisis never went away. But resistance to austerity is certain to intensify, says Eddie Ford

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Clear economics, weak politics

23 Feb 2012

Mike Macnair reviews Paul Mattick 'Business as usual', Reaktion Books, 2011, pp126,

Danger of default catastrophe remains

16 Feb 2012

Greece's economy has been driven into almost unprecedented depths by the relentless austerity measures, writes Eddie Ford

Greek razor edge

09 Feb 2012

A default by Greece would unleash chaos way beyond the euro zone, writes Eddie Ford

Fool's paradise at Davos

02 Feb 2012

Even though Greece continues to edge closer to default, writes Eddie Ford, there has been yet more inaction by global 'leaders'

Monti prepares for fresh attacks

02 Feb 2012

The nature of the Italian resistance to austerity has so far been contradictory, writes Toby Abse

Entering the danger zone again

26 Jan 2012

All the signs are that the ongoing euro crisis is dragging the world economy into recession, writes Eddie Ford

Left goes back to school

26 Jan 2012

Michael Copestake reports on the CPGB's Marxist political economy weekend event

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Preparing for the second wave

12 Jan 2012

December saw huge protests in Moscow and St Petersburg against the rigging of the elections to the duma. Mark Fischer asked Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky about their significance

Playing the blame game

22 Dec 2011

With hundreds of billions of debt due to be repaid in the first quarter of next year, writes Eddie Ford, the euro zone crisis has not gone away

Cameron in the court of King James

22 Dec 2011

The prime minister's speech on the King James Bible ticks every reactionary box going, argues James Turley

Cameron's Euro veto con trick

15 Dec 2011

Despite the deepening rift between the Tories and Liberal Democrats over Europe, writes Eddie Ford, both are committed to further attacks on the working class

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