
Capitalism & Crisis > Nature of crisis

A weapon for the movement

10 May 2012

Comrades in London are beginning their collective study of Marx's Capital. Jack Conrad introduces what is still an unequalled work

Destroyed by economygate?

10 Feb 2022

After the “longest wage squeeze in 200 years”, workers in Britain face an unprecedented fall in living standards. Michael Roberts rejects the Bank of England’s call to “moderate” wage rises

A world of declining profit

27 Jan 2022

Michael Roberts reviews new empirical evidence vindicating Marx’s law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, which underpins capitalism’s inherent tendency to crises

Profits first and foremost

05 Aug 2021

What causes slumps? Michael Roberts takes issue with those who imagine individual decisions and interest rates are key

Leopard and its spots

22 Jul 2021

With or without monopolies, the basis of capitalist exploitation remains the same, argues Michael Roberts

Problem is capitalism

18 Feb 2021

Michael Roberts asks what we should now expect: deflation, inflation or stagflation?

Marx’s double-edge law

15 Nov 2019

Despite the arguments of David Harvey, writes Michael Roberts Marx’s law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is fundamental in understanding capitalist crises.

The heroes of finance

20 Jun 2019

Despite the efforts of central banks the risk of a new global recession continues to rise, argues Michael Roberts

From rentism to communism

13 Jun 2019

Peter Frase Four futures: life after capitalism Verso, 2016, pp160, £8.99

Trade and technology trigger

30 May 2019

Michael Roberts warns that the US-China trade war brings with it the threat of another global downturn

At what cost to humanity?

16 May 2019

Capitalism’s ‘terminal crisis’ cannot be resolved positively without a powerful left, says Rex Dunn

A delicate moment

18 Apr 2019

Capital’s major financial institutions are warning of the likelihood of another global recession, notes Michael Roberts

Growth across the world slows further and further

28 Mar 2019

Despite predictions to the contrary, says Michael Roberts, the long depression is still very much with us

Deadly cost of austerity

21 Mar 2019

James Linney asks what the fall in life expectancy tells us about the state of capitalism in 2019

Chartalism and Marxism

08 Feb 2019

Proponents of ‘modern monetary theory’ serve to mislead and divert the labour movement, argues Michael Roberts

Marx’s theory of value

31 Jan 2019

Far from being natural, value is characteristic of commodity production and capitalism, its most developed form. John Bridge upholds Marxist orthodoxy

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