
Capitalism & Crisis > Nature of crisis

A weapon for the movement

10 May 2012

Comrades in London are beginning their collective study of Marx's Capital. Jack Conrad introduces what is still an unequalled work

Slaughter by austerity butchers

08 Dec 2011

The "Merkozy" plan for greater "fiscal union" looks set to be another failure, writes Eddie Ford

Budget assault ups the ante

08 Dec 2011

Almost all Italian parties have fallen in behind the attacks fronted by the new government of technocrats, reports Toby Abse

Marx's spectre haunts the wealthy and powerful

01 Dec 2011

The ruling class has no workable strategy for rescuing the system, argues Hillel Ticktin

Has capitalism reached the end of the line?

17 Nov 2011

Mike Macnair spoke to the November 12 CPGB aggregate on the Marxist understanding of the crisis. This is an edited version of his speech

Referendum gamble plunges euro still deeper into crisis

03 Nov 2011

European leaders are stumbling from one crisis to another, writes Eddie Ford

Euro: disaster beckons

27 Oct 2011

Another summit, another failure. Despite repeated attempts to 'stop the rot' and save the euro there is still no sign of a 'comprehensive plan', writes Eddie Ford

The crisis is financial, it is not economic

13 Oct 2011

Taking issue with Mike Macnair, Arthur Bough insists that the global economy remains in a long-wave upswing and advocates the setting up of workers' cooperatives

Euro storm clouds gather

29 Sep 2011

World leaders are now frantically trying to cobble together a plan to prevent a catastrophic collapse of the euro zone, writes Eddie Ford. But it could be too little, too late

Facing the grim reaper

22 Sep 2011

Everyone can see the danger of a crash, from the IMF to the Financial Times. But, asks Eddie Ford, where is the Marshall Plan or New Deal?

Mired in sleaze, Berlusconi reaches end of the road

22 Sep 2011

Italy's crisis is not purely economic, writes Toby Abse. The corruption of the political elite has contributed to its credit downgrading

Tinkering at the edges

15 Sep 2011

The Vickers report confirms that it is the system itself that is bankrupt, writes Eddie Ford

The theory of capitalist disintegration

08 Sep 2011

More and more people are saying, 'Marx was right'. But can the present crisis of capitalism be explained by the tendency for the rate of profit to fall, famously discussed by Marx? Profits are high and there is a massive overaccumulation of capital. This is edited version of the speech by Hillel Ticktin to Communist University 2011

Capital's busted flush

08 Sep 2011

The bourgeoisie has no answers to the continuing economic crisis, writes Eddie Ford

Washington paralysis: a geriatric disorder

11 Aug 2011

Jim Creegan looks at the battle of the budget ceiling and the intransigence of the Tea Partiers

Stock market panics and the danger of another recession

11 Aug 2011

The loss of its triple A credit rating is symbolic of the decline of US hegemony and therefore of capitalism as a system, argues Eddie Ford

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