
Capitalism & Crisis > Nature of crisis

A weapon for the movement

10 May 2012

Comrades in London are beginning their collective study of Marx's Capital. Jack Conrad introduces what is still an unequalled work

Arming the resistance

02 Dec 2010

What lies behind the ruling class cuts offensive and what strategy do we need to defeat it? This is an edited version of the speech given by Mike Macnair to the November 28 CPGB aggregate

No to nationalist response

25 Nov 2010

There is no solution to the Irish crisis within its own borders. Anne Mc Shane calls for internationalism and solidarity

Budget crisis deepens

11 Nov 2010

Double standards need to be challenged by the left in Ireland, writes Anne Mc Shane

The band played on

30 Sep 2010

Lib Dems are underwriting a government of crisis, writes James Turley

Rethinking revolution

03 Jun 2010

David Harvey, Marxist academic and author of the newly published The enigma of capital, spoke to Mark Fischer

No alternative within capitalism

20 May 2010

What does the bail-out of Greece mean for international capital? Hillel Ticktin spoke to Yassamine Mather

In defence of long waves

14 Jan 2010

Arthur Bough replies to Mike Macnair on the nature and prospects of contemporary capitalism

World politics, long waves and the decline of capitalism

07 Jan 2010

Are we facing a new 'long slump' like the 1930s or is the recent financial crisis merely a blip in a larger picture of capitalist expansion? And how does the decline of capitalism fit into the picture? Mike Macnair examines the issues

In another world

10 Dec 2009

Alistair Darling's pre-budget report includes a 'supertax' on bankers' bonuses. James Turley calls for more

Not explaining the crisis

10 Dec 2009

David Osler reviews Chris Harman's 'Zombie capitalism: global crisis and the relevance of Marx', Bookmarks, 2009, pp401, £16.99

Whatever happened to those green shoots?

05 Nov 2009

Once again, says James Turley, it has not been a good couple of weeks for Alastair Darling and Gordon Brown

Anglo-American solutions and imposing discipline

06 Aug 2009

Peter Manson spoke to Hillel Ticktin about the economic crisis

Capitalist crisis and the tasks of Marxists

07 Aug 2008

Campaign for a Marxist Party will shortly publish a manifesto, which is currently being prepared. This section on the political economy of the current period is authored by Hillel Ticktin

Bush rushes to bail out system

31 Jan 2008

Jim Moody highlights some of the problems brewing for the world capitalist economy

More dangerous than ever

22 Nov 2007

Hillel Ticktin concludes his series on the relevance of Marxist categories with an examination of the theory of capitalist crisis and its application to the current global situation

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