
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Defending national socialism is not Marxism

20 Jul 2006

Jack Conrad begins an extensive reply to Bob Goupillot with an examination of the principle of 'one state, one party' and its history

Different roads to unity

20 Jul 2006

Should 'one state, one party' be applied to Britain in current political circumstances? Bob Goupillot of the Republican Communist Network (Scotland) and the Scottish Socialist Party argues that the unity of the working class can at present best be served by a separate party for Scotland

Driven by neglect

20 Apr 2006

The British National Party really could not have hoped for better press in the lead-up to the May local elections in England. Huw Bynon reports

Driven by neglect

13 Apr 2006

Driven by neglect

Allying with the nationalists

02 Mar 2006

Nick Rogers looks at the key issue before this weekend's SSP annual conference

Healthcare and moral hysteria

08 Jan 2004

New Labour is proposing to charge failed asylum-seekers for healthcare. There is more to this move than budget trimming, argues Jem Jones

Provocative and insulting

04 Dec 2003

There was nothing remotely progressive in the defeat of Jacobitism, argues Dave Douglass, in this response to Neil Davidson of the Scottish Socialist Party's Socialist Worker platform

Stealing from BNP

27 Nov 2003

The selection of Howard as leader - with the other camp too weakened even to field a token standard bearer - indicates the Tories have effectively accepted the BNP's logic. Worried about the so-called vacuum on the left? Watch out for the pressure cooker on the right.

Unity is democratic demand too

30 Oct 2003

The Scottish Socialist Party's national council met in Stirling on Sunday October 26 with around 150 delegates and observers in attendance. Sarah McDonald reports

Socialism 2003: Tensions rise to surface

23 Oct 2003

Over the weekend of October 18-19 at Glasgow Caledonian University the Scottish Socialist Party held its fourth annual school. Sarah McDonald was there

Scottish Socialist Party: Dilemmas of separatism

23 Oct 2003

The debate on Scottish independence at Socialism 2003 brought into sharp focus a number of issues that will be crucial for the progress of the Scottish Socialist Party over the next period. Nick Rogers reports

Labour socialists and SSP

16 Oct 2003

Can Labour be reclaimed? Are avenues of dissent concreted over? Vince Mills secretary of the Campaign for Socialism - a group within the Scottish Labour Party - speaks to Mark Fischer

Nationalism and tactics

17 May 2001

Bob Goupillot, a member of the Republican Communist Network, is the Scottish Socialist Party candidate for Midlothian, near Edinburgh. Peter Manson spoke to him for the Weekly Worker

Imagine no nationalism

01 Mar 2001

Accommodation to nationalism

14 Dec 2000

SSP and SWP Duty to speak out

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