
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Connolly's strategy and 1916

28 Jun 2007

The Easter rising was not simply a nationalist insurrection, argues Philip Ferguson. It marked the success of the militant labour forces in taking the lead in the Irish national movement

The usable past of left republicanism

14 Jun 2007

Far from pursuing a coherent strategy, writes Jim Creegan, James Connolly ended up believing that perhaps other forces could act in the workers' place

Coherent strategy

25 May 2007

Did James Connolly lead the Citizen Army into the dead end of nationalism? Did Ken Loach accurately reflect Irish history in The wind that shakes the barley? Philip Ferguson responds to Jim Creegan

No winners, many losers

10 May 2007

The third elections to the Welsh national assembly on May 3 failed to generate any level of excitement amongst the people of Wales. This was hardly surprising, given that the campaigns of the four main parties indicated that there was little to separate them politically. Cameron Richards reports

Spiralling deeper into nationalism

26 Apr 2007

By returning the Scottish National Party as the largest party on May 3, the third election to Scotland's devolved parliament has the potential to open up a profound debate about the constitutional settlement that has long served one of the world's oldest bourgeoisies. Nick Rogers reports

Election lottery

26 Apr 2007

On Thursday May 3, voters in Wales go to the polls in what is dubbed by many the 'Welsh general election'. However, if interest in the event is to match that rather grand title, there would have to be a significant increase in the 38% turnout recorded for the last assembly elections in 2003. Bob Davies reports

Nationalist squabbles

08 Mar 2007

On Saturday March 3 both the Scottish Socialist Party and Solidarity held one-day policy conferences in Glasgow to finalise their respective manifestoes for the May 3 election to the Scottish parliament. Peter Manson comments

Voting for Britain

25 Jan 2007

Eddie Ford takes a closer look at the 'racism row' in the Celebrity big brother house

SWP accommodates to Scottish nationalism

07 Dec 2006

The Scottish Socialist Party and Solidarity are striving to become junior partners of the Scottish National Party, writes Jim Moody

Desperate evasion and sectarianism

09 Nov 2006

A 'republican socialist party' in Britain that eschews Marxism must be a concession to nationalism. Mike Macnair responds to Dave Craig

Marxist party - an illusion

02 Nov 2006

In the absence of a world revolutionary party, a national communist party could only be a capitulation to British nationalism, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

The determination of revolution

31 Aug 2006

Jack Conrad discusses strategy and contrasts Scottish national socialism with the communist demand for national self-determination

British duality and the class struggle

10 Aug 2006

National consciousness is complex. As Jack Conrad shows, British national consciousness is particularly complex, being at the same time English, Scottish and Welsh. It also involves class and class struggle

Not oppressed but a joint oppressor

03 Aug 2006

Was Scotland subject to a takeover by England in 1707? Does Scotland suffer from English cultural imperialism? Jack Conrad questions some more left nationalist myths and assumptions

Nationalist myths are not Marxism

27 Jul 2006

Jack Conrad argues against the Scottish Socialist Party's claim that Scotland is an oppressed nation, an English colony. Prior to the 1707 Act of Union Scotland was not a nation

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