
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Green and red solidarity

10 Dec 2009

Ben Lewis reports on the green movement protest outside the Iranian embassy in London and the positive reception Hopi received

Entire regime is the target

10 Dec 2009

Opposition in Iran is no longer directed at supporting one section of the theocracy against the other. The days of the regime are numbered, say Yassamine Mather and Chris Strafford

Ahmadinejad’s possible role in savage beatings

03 Dec 2009

The Mail on Sunday (November 29) published a photograph purportedly showing Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the regime’s London consulate in April 1984. Comrades from the Fedayeen (Minority), who had forced their way into the building, were imprisoned and severely beaten by Iranian staff. Yassamine Mather was a member of the Fedayeen (Minority) at the time and spoke to the Weekly Worker about the incident

Solidarity with workers key priority after June election

03 Dec 2009

Chris Strafford reports on the annual general meeting of Hands Off the People of Iran

Hopi: fight on two fronts

26 Nov 2009

Ben Lewis makes a call to truly champion the cause of the Iranian masses

Workers organise against regime

19 Nov 2009

More than 300 workers in the Abadan oil refinery gathered on Thursday November 12 to protest against non-payment of wages and bonuses, saying they had not been paid for more than three months. Yassamine Mather reports

Regime’s most persistent opposition

12 Nov 2009

Ali Pichgah is a veteran of the Iranian oil strikes of 1979-81, when he was a representative of the Tehran refinery workers shora (council) on the National Shora of Oil Workers. He spoke to Yassamine Mather about the current situation in Iran

Workers gain new courage

12 Nov 2009

Iranian demonstrations have given a real boost to working class opponents of the regime, writes Yassamine Mather

Get the troops out now

12 Nov 2009

Eddie Ford examines why UK politics now questions troops being in Afghanistan

Zionist collaborators with Nazism revealed

05 Nov 2009

Tony Greenstein reviews two books by Francis Nicosia: The Third Reich and the Palestine question London 1985, pp320, £25.50; and Zionism and anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany Cambridge 2008, pp344, £50

Mass protests in Iran: Death to the Islamic Republic! Victory to the Iranian people!

18 Jun 2009

The dramatic events in Tehran and other major cities following the June 12 presidential election in Iran are clear manifestations of the anger and frustration of the majority of Iranians with political Islam, writes Yassamine Mather

No even-handedness

28 Feb 2008

Hopi political discussions focus on the role of imperialism and what position to take, reports Tina Becker

Pro-imperialists snubbed

28 Feb 2008

Hopi's steering committee unanimously rejected holding a joint meeting with the AWL's Education Not for Sale at the NUS conference on Iran and the imprisoned students, proposing instead an ENS v Hopi debate. Ben Lewis looks at the issues

Turkey's action endangers region

28 Feb 2008

Kurdistan was, till now, the only stable part of Iraq. Turkey's military campaign has put an end to that and will trigger all manner of dangerous consequences, writes Esen Uslu

Hopi: support grows in Ireland

14 Feb 2008

Anne McShane was encouraged by a number of recent meetings on Iran

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