
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Socialist Action relegates solidarity

11 Feb 2010

Tony Greenstein gives his view of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign annual conference

A reminder

11 Feb 2010

The disgraceful role of Campaign Iran, outlined by Tina Becker

Iran: prospects for the left

04 Feb 2010

Anne Mc Shane reports on a successful meeting in Cork, and looks forward to the February 13-20 Week of Action called by Hands Off the People of Iran

Sacked workers step up protest

04 Feb 2010

Workers are resisting attempts to make them pay for dismantling the state's tobacco monopoly. Esen Uslu reports

Some thoughts on the proposed charter

28 Jan 2010

Ben Lewis welcomes the initiative of Communist Workers of Iran and offers some fraternal criticisms

There is a duty to form a vanguard party

28 Jan 2010

An organisation called Communist Workers of Iran has produced this document, entitled 'Proposed charter for a party of the working class'

Support the Hopi week of action!

28 Jan 2010

Chris Strafford calls for mobilisation, and reports Campaign Iran's rebranding

'Reformists' fear revolution

14 Jan 2010

The attempt by the two wings of the Iranian regime to shelve their differences is unlikely to defuse the mass movement, writes Yassamine Mather

Know your enemy

14 Jan 2010

Tony Greenstein looks at the obstacles placed in the way of the pro-Gaza mobilisations by Egypt and Hamas

Theocracy threatens bloodbath as mass movement grows

07 Jan 2010

Iranian workers are one the offensive, reports Chris Strafford

The underwear bomber and detonating Yemen

07 Jan 2010

With Yemen the latest target, Eddie Ford looks at the bankruptcy of the 'war on terror'

A nail in the Zionist coffin

17 Dec 2009

Tony Greenstein reviews Shlomo Sand's The invention of the Jewish people Verso, 2009, pp313, £18.99

Fighting over the corpse

17 Dec 2009

As the two wings of the regime continue to squabble, write Chris Strafford and Yassamine Mather, the opposition movement grows in radicalism and confidence

Common struggle required

17 Dec 2009

The year is coming to an end amid great uncertainty, reports Esen Uslu

Statement by Iran Khodro car workers

10 Dec 2009

Issued December 6, the day before the clashes

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