
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Osanloo free, but repression continues

09 Jun 2011

Chris Strafford calls for solidarity with working class activists in the prisons of the Islamic Republic

God's representative in Tehran sees off 12th Shia imam fan

19 May 2011

What lies behind the power struggle in Iran? Yassamine Mather looks at the contending factions

Re-enacting Nakba crimes

19 May 2011

Ever since 1948 Israel had been engaged in trying to erase the collective memory of the Nakba, writes Tony Greenstein

Two-sided reconciliation

05 May 2011

Tony Greenstein argues the importance of continuation of Palestinian resistance

Bloody end of US-created monster

05 May 2011

Harley Filben looks at the damage wrought by US power in its convulsive decline

Triumvirate commits to regime change

21 Apr 2011

Imperialist 'mission lurch' sees first troops dispatched. Eddie Ford reports

Unlikely bedfellows

14 Apr 2011

In a change of policy that Alex Callinicos calls "entirely consistent", the Socialist Workers Party now supports the same group of Britain-based Iranian exiles that enjoy the backing of the social-imperialist Alliance for Workers' Liberty. Tina Becker reports

Mubarak's detention is due to targeted mass pressure

14 Apr 2011

Far from the revolutionary movement coming to a halt, argues Eddie Ford, new advances are being made

No united front with Gaddafi

07 Apr 2011

Those who are waiting for a 'pure' opposition will wait forever, writes James Turley

Unity across the Arab world

31 Mar 2011

The Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt are a group that adheres to the same tradition as our Socialist Workers Party. Peter Manson asked Mohammad Hamama, a prominent RS member, about the prospects for the working class movement in Egypt and beyond

You are useful idiots

31 Mar 2011

The imperialist assault on Libya has rallied many on the liberal and socialist left in its defence. James Turley argues that this makes an anti-imperialist perspective even more urgently necessary

No defence of Benghazi

31 Mar 2011

Gerry Downing of 'Socialist Fight' believes the anti-Gaddafi rebellion is totally reactionary

The long road to the Arab revolution

31 Mar 2011

Moshé Machover addressed last weekend's CPGB aggregate on the defeat of the Libyan revolution, Al-Jazeera, and the goal of Arab unity

Imperialism out, down with the Gaddafi regime

24 Mar 2011

Western intervention in Libya - and the rest of the Arab world - aims to subvert popular power and the Arab revolution, argues Eddie Ford

'Anti-Zionist' holocaust denier

10 Mar 2011

Israeli jazz musician Gilad Atzmon represents a small but important current within the broader Palestine solidarity movement, writes Tony Greenstein. He sees the oppression of the Palestinians as being due to something inherent in Jewishness

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