
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Disenchanted with the west

18 May 2023

Yassamine Mather gives her impressions of Turkey after 20 years of AKP rule and the evident failure of secularism from above

Hanging on a knife’s edge

04 May 2023

Though the opposition appears to have a narrow lead ahead of this month’s general election, the regime has plenty of dirty tricks up its sleeve. Esen Uslu reports on Erdoğan-style campaigning

Hijab defiance continues

13 Apr 2023

Yassamine Mather reports on the regime’s attempt to regain its authority and the splits and divisions in the royalist camp

From order to chaos

23 Mar 2023

Why has so much of the left collapsed into social-imperialism? Why the continued illusions in US intervention? Mike Macnair talked to Hands off the People of Iran in a meeting hosted by Yassamine Mather

Counting stolen elections

23 Mar 2023

At last we have definitive confirmation that the Republicans were urging Iran not to release US hostages until Ronald Reagan was elected. Daniel Lazare comments

Voice of the revolution

16 Mar 2023

This appeal drawn up by comrades in Iran, calling for clear politics, organisation and solidarity, has attracted widespread support

Shifting interests and alignments

16 Mar 2023

The Saudi-Iran deal brokered by China is bad news for the US, but especially Israel, says Yassamine Mather

Weapon-grade talks

09 Mar 2023

Tehran has adopted a conciliatory stance over uranium enrichment and severe punishment for those responsible for poisoning schoolgirls. Yassamine Mather reports

Faults and mirrors

02 Mar 2023

The huge loss of life seen in the Turkey-Syria earthquakes can be directly traced back to the state’s bungled response, endemic corruption and clampdowns on the self-activity of progressive youth, writes Esen Uslu

Pahlavi has a bad day

23 Feb 2023

Yassamine Mather gives an update on the mixed fortunes of the Iranian exile right, the illusions of the soft ‘left’ and the shortcomings of the internal opposition

Ours but to build and die

16 Feb 2023

The horrendous devastation and thirty thousand deaths caused by the Turkey-Syria earthquake is also a symptom of social decay. Esen Uslu reports

Whose constituent assembly?

09 Feb 2023

As the stalemate between the Islamic Republic and the mass opposition movement continues, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, one of the leaders of the 2009 Green movement, has called for a constituent assembly. Yassamine Mather has translated this excerpt from an article by Torab Saleth which deals with the constituent assembly from a leftwing point of view

Class, nation and religion

02 Feb 2023

These forty-one theses on the Arab awakening and Israel-Palestine were agreed by the CPGB membership aggregate in June 2011. Though obviously dated in this or that respect, the broad strategic outline remains all too relevant

Barking at the moon

02 Feb 2023

Ignoring the huge catalogue of articles, speeches and resolutions, Daniel Lazare accuses Moshé Machover and the CPGB of silence when it comes to class politics in the context of Israel-Palestine

Centrality of involvement

02 Feb 2023

In light of the mass upsurge in Iran sparked by protests against the hijab, Yassamine Mather asked Anne McShane to speak about the lessons of history, in particular the fight against bourgeois feminism in the Second International and the role of Bolshevik women in Russia

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