
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

The future is being made today

19 Jan 2023

Veteran Iranian socialist Ardeshir Mehrdad calls for class politics and the mobilisation of the lower depths of society

Escalation on every front

19 Jan 2023

Moshé Machover looks at the new Israeli government and what it means when it comes to Palestinian oppression, ethnic cleansing, religious intolerance and the danger of war with Iran

Protests and the bigger picture

19 Jan 2023

Dangers of war are increasing and the masses refuse to be intimidated, but the left is mired in confusion. On January 9 Hands Off the People of Iran hosted an online meeting addressed by Moshé Machover and Mike Macnair. Yassamine Mather opened with these remarks

Talking peace, preparing for war

12 Jan 2023

Syria is not only still wrecked, but still divided. Esen Uslu reports on the tripartite negotiations and their significance

Free-trade imperialism

12 Jan 2023

Mike macnair reviews Promised lands: the British and the Ottoman Middle East by Jonathan Parry (Princeton University Press 2022, 453pp)

The struggle continues

05 Jan 2023

Executions and long prison sentences have failed to intimidate the spontaneous protest movement. But conscious leadership by a revolutionary party is indispensable, argues Yassamine Mather

A bogus imperialist narrative

15 Dec 2022

Many people imagine Israel as the natural representative of Jewish memory. Nothing could be further from the truth. Tony Greenstein introduces his new book Zionism during the holocaust

Israeli far right is making the far right mainstream

08 Dec 2022

If the fight against anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are closely connected, it is a blunder to have Hamas in the leadership of the BDS campaign, suggests Daniel Lazare

Strikes on Student Day

08 Dec 2022

The leaking of documents gives us a glimpse of the conflicts within the regime that the protest wave has caused, Yassamine Mather reports

Armbands and alienation

01 Dec 2022

With the competition now well under way, Paul Demarty examines the clash between soft-focus liberalism and Qatari feudal values

After the election

01 Dec 2022

Netanyahu’s coalition is a rag-bag of rightists, religious fanatics and rabble-rousers. But it is dangerous. A regional war and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is a real prospect, argues Moshé Machover

Workers’ mass protests

01 Dec 2022

Yassamine Mather reports on strikes and protests in Iran

Victories and weak points

01 Dec 2022

Veteran Iranian socialist Shahab Borhan warns of the dangers of relying on spontaneity. The movement needs leadership, organisation and clear politics - article translated from Farsi by Yassamine Mather

Ending the dynamic stalemate?

24 Nov 2022

Militarily the war is unwinnable, so politics are vital. Esen Uslu calls for Öcalan’s line to be continued

Widespread and larger

24 Nov 2022

Splits are widening at the top, the protests are continuing to grow, but there are still illusions in US-sponsored regime change. Yassamine Mather comments

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