
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Claims exposed once and for all

09 Jun 2016

The CIA papers have shattered any lingering illusions in the ‘anti-imperialist’ credentials of the Tehran regime, writes Yassamine Mather

Letting Blair off the hook

02 Jun 2016

Eddie Ford is not holding out any hopes for the Chilcot report

Legacy of the 2003 war

02 Jun 2016

We all know who is responsible for Fallujah, writes Yassamine Mather

Don’t apologise - attack

19 May 2016

The right will not let up if we retreat before their smears, argues Moshé Machover. This is an edited version of his speech to the May 15 London Communist Forum

Zionism and anti-Semitism

05 May 2016

This interview with Israeli communist and Weekly Worker writer Moshé Machover was conducted by the Croatian online publication Slobodni Filozofski

Elephant in the room

05 May 2016

While the Labour left is under attack, writes Eddie Ford, why is there no criticism of Zionism?

Weapon of choice

24 Mar 2016

False accusations are being carefully aimed at Jeremy Corbyn and the left, argues Tony Greenstein

Disaster waiting to happen

24 Mar 2016

Eddie Ford finds the EU-Turkey deal on migrants both inhuman and unworkable

New era, new focus

24 Mar 2016

The nuclear deal means we must refocus our campaigning priorities, writes Yassamine Mather

Due process and justice

17 Mar 2016

In the interests of political debate and clarification we publish Gerry Downing’s appeal against his expulsion

Left wing of Zionism

10 Mar 2016

Recent smears of ‘anti-Semitism’ against the left are an echo of similar allegations emanating from within the left, argues Paul Demarty

Iran’s Elections : Winners and Losers

03 Mar 2016

Yassamine Mather analyses the results of elections to the majles and Council of Experts

No backtracking on Palestine

03 Mar 2016

Unfortunately the Labour leader appears to be beating a retreat, writes Tony Greenstein

The global disorder of capital

18 Feb 2016

Yassamine Mather introduces Alain Badiou’s Notre mal vient de bien loin

A lifelong internationalist

04 Feb 2016

Yassamine Mather salutes a dedicated Marxist fighter

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