
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Syrian disaster

06 Oct 2016

The strategy of allying with the enemy of one’s enemy has plagued the Kurdish opposition for decades. But it is a road to nowhere, writes Yassamine Mather

Enemy of working class

29 Sep 2016

The JLM, like Zionism itself, has no place in the labour movement, argues Tony Greenstein

Explaining the holocaust industry

29 Sep 2016

Norman Finkelstein recalls how the official narrative on the Jews and Israel has changed over his lifetime. This is an edited version of a speech given to Communist University 2016

Ethnic cleansing?

15 Sep 2016

Binyamin Netanyahu’s video might have caused outrage, but Zionism still has friends in high places. Tony Greenstein comments

Apologists for Zionism

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein introduces his open letter to Labour MP Joan Ryan

An Open Letter

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein addresses Labour MP Joan Ryan

Pseudo-secularism on the beach

01 Sep 2016

The petty cruelty of the French burqini bans stems from an elite looking for scapegoats, writes Paul Demarty

Burying the scandal

01 Sep 2016

The western media has shown little interest in new revelations about the slaughter of political prisoners in 1988, reports Yassamine Mather

Imperialists bearing gifts

25 Aug 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the changing alliances in the war in Syria

Erdoğan’s counter-coup coup

21 Jul 2016

While a bloody military intervention has been defeated, that in itself is no reason to cheer, writes Esen Uslu

Legacy of Bush and Blair

21 Jul 2016

Yassamine Mather comments on the Nice massacre

State department socialists

14 Jul 2016

In the wake of the Chilcot inquiry, Paul Demarty remembers that it was not merely the Blairites who put faith in the benevolence of American power

Profoundly political

07 Jul 2016

Abbas Kiarostami, June 22 1940 - July 4 2016, Yassamine Mather shares her memories

Why Ken Livingstone was right

23 Jun 2016

Who exactly is making ‘factual misrepresentations’? Tony Greenstein replies to Paul Bogdanor

The decolonisation of Palestine

23 Jun 2016

Zionism constitutes a unique colonisation process, argues Moshé Machover - which means that the route to Palestinian freedom must be equally unique

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