
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

What happened to ‘America first’?

13 Apr 2017

Establishment opinion has welcomed the new ‘sensible’ Donald Trump, who has acted ‘decisively’ on Syria. Eddie Ford reports

War is a real danger

06 Apr 2017

An open letter to all supporters of Hands Off the People of Iran

Labour’s Star Chamber

06 Apr 2017

Why do the witch-hunters refuse to deal with the content? Tony Greenstein comments on the Livingstone verdict

Understanding Khalid Masood

30 Mar 2017

We cannot explain atrocities like the Westminster attack through individual psychology, argues Paul Demarty

A watermen’s fight

30 Mar 2017

Esen Uslu reports on the pandemonium created by Erdoğan in the run-up to next month’s referendum

Behind the charitable mask

30 Mar 2017

Not only Theresa May, but Jeremy Corbyn too, have lent their support to an entirely bogus definition of anti-Semitism. This can only benefit Zionist outfits such as the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, writes Tony Greenstein

Predictions amidst uncertainties

16 Mar 2017

Yassamine Mather looks behind the rhetoric of the ‘resistance economy’

Zionist attack on free speech

09 Mar 2017

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign must oppose bogus definitions of ‘anti-Semitism’, argues Tony Greenstein

In Trump's sights

02 Mar 2017

Yassamine Mather reports on the formation of a ‘NATO’ type alliance against Iran

Burial of the two-state ‘solution’

23 Feb 2017

Netanyahu has been dealt a Trump card, affirms Moshé Machover

Trump ups the ante

16 Feb 2017

The threat of military action against Iran is once more very much on the agenda, writes Yassamine Mather

New times, new tasks

16 Feb 2017

Statement from Hands Off the People of Iran

Coming full circle

09 Feb 2017

Under Donald Trump the Iranian people are facing intensified sanctions and a real threat of war, writes Yassamine Mather

Trump threatens N-deal

26 Jan 2017

It is time to reboot Hands Off the People of Iran, argues Yassamine Mather

Fake claims blown apart

19 Jan 2017

Al Jazeera’s The lobby exposes the establishment’s ‘anti-Semitism’ claims for what they are, writes Tony Greenstein

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