
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Support Die Linke - but organise to fight

21 Jun 2007

As of June 16 the two dominant forces on the German left, the Linkspartei.PDS and the WASG, formally ceased to exist and joined forces to create the new left party, Die Linke. Ben Lewis reports from Germany

So many Kuomintangs

14 Jun 2007

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group continues to push for a halfway house party in opposition to the CPGB's 'ultra-leftism'

Campaigning with Marxist teeth

14 Jun 2007

Oppose all halfway houses, says Peter Manson. We need to be absolutely clear on our principles

End bureaucratic centralism

07 Jun 2007

Unity of the Marxist left is both possible and realistic, argues Mike Macnair. What is lacking is the will

Humpty Dumpty programmers

07 Jun 2007

The London debate over programme put on by the Campaign for a Marxist Party on June 3 was reasonably well attended - there were some 20 comrades present, though none of them were new faces. Phil Kent reports

House-building under construction

25 May 2007

Communists need a pool to swim in, not a fish tank, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

No saviour from on high

25 May 2007

Stan Keable replies to Phil Sharpe on the right strategy for the Campaign for a Marxist Party

Prepare for marathon

17 May 2007

Phil Sharpe of the Democratic Socialist Alliance defends his advocacy of a halfway house workers' party as a means of promoting the Marxist programme

Two-way traffic and continued divisions

17 May 2007

As the SWP desperately tries to keep a semblance of control over its Respect offspring in Tower Hamlets, the local branch has seen one of its councillors cross the floor to Labour, while a high-profile Labour leftwinger moves in the opposite direction. Peter Manson reports

Build a halfway house

11 May 2007

The formation in 1920 of the CPGB was an error resulting from rigid dogma, argues Phil Sharpe of the Democratic Socialist Alliance

'It has to go'

11 May 2007

The May 26 CMP day school, held in Manchester's Friends Meeting House, was the first in a series of four originally designed to facilitate the CMP-CPGB merger process. Peter Manson reports

Where now for CMP?

11 May 2007

Peter Manson looks at the prospects for the Campaign for a Marxist Party and reports on the first in a series of CMP day schools

Nationalism sinks left

10 May 2007

Last week's Holyrood election results were a disaster for what passes for the left in Scotland. Both the Scottish Socialist Party and Solidarity failed dramatically. Jim Moody reports

Election fiasco

10 May 2007

Scottish Socialist Party and Campaign for a Marxist Party members Sandy McBurney and Matthew Jones give their view

Mixed bag for the left

10 May 2007

Respect did best out of the left organisations standing in the English local elections: it gained two new councillors, though it lost a sitting one. The Socialist Party also lost one of its six councillors. And the weird and wonderful Socialist Labour Party does not appear to know how its own candidates did. Tina Becker reports

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