
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Open the borders

22 Nov 2019

We should end the distinction between refugees and economic migrants, declares Anne McShane.

Socialists should support Williamson

15 Nov 2019

The left is not obliged to abide by rules which the right holds in such contempt, argues Tony Greenstein.

Former ministers show true colours

15 Nov 2019

Blairites are really Tories in disguise. If we are going to transform the Labour Party we must get rid of the lot of them, writes Eddie Ford

Our attitude towards a Corbyn government

08 Nov 2019

With the Tory election campaign mired in difficulties, Jack Conrad considers what is still an outside possibility.

Bold, sharp, strong, broad

24 Oct 2019

Rebuilding the Labour left is a matter of extreme urgency, declares Graham Bash. This is an edited version of the talk he gave at Communist University 2019.

Joining with the witch-hunters

17 Oct 2019

Stitching up Chris Williamson marks a turning point, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists.

Momentum cannot be rescued

10 Oct 2019

There are various groups advocating reform. But, asks Carla Roberts, can they succeed?

One small step forward

03 Oct 2019

The Labour Left Alliance held its first national networking meeting in Brighton. Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports.

Battle far from won

26 Sep 2019

While the majority of CLP delegates reject the anti-left smear campaign, the right has the backing of the capitalist media. That, together with a conciliating leadership, gives them the upper hand, writes Peter Manson.

Democratise the block vote

26 Sep 2019

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reminds us of one of the key tasks we face

Politics of the past, politics of the future

26 Sep 2019

Bill Hodgson of Labour Party Marxists reports that, although in terms of numbers the right was hardly in evidence at conference, there were big clashes and latent possibilities.

Watson survives for the moment

26 Sep 2019

There was a growing mood of defiance on display amongst CLP delegates, writes William Sarsfield.

Abuse and cover-ups

08 Aug 2019

Even as the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse reveals yet more evidence of systematic rapes and sexual assaults, Peter Manson asks why Tom Watson still faces attack over his role in the Carl Beech affair.

Tribunes of the right

25 Jul 2019

Peter Manson lays bare a blatant case of political theft

Giving legitimacy to Zionism

25 Jul 2019

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists looks at Corbyn’s latest attempt to appease the right

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