
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Establishment champion

09 Jul 2020

Mark Kosman looks at Keir Starmer’s transition from ‘Marxist’ to ‘cop in an expensive suit’

Problems of online debates

09 Jul 2020

Clive Dean of Labour Party Marxists reports on last weekend’s conference

Oppose calls for reinstatement

02 Jul 2020

We must defend Rebecca Long-Bailey against false charges that she helped spread an ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theory’, writes David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists. But why was a so-called ‘socialist’ willing to sit in Starmer’s shadow cabinet?

Amongst the living dead

19 Jun 2020

Momentum is irreformable, argues David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists, but we should back principled left candidates

Affiliation and a line change

19 Jun 2020

Labour Party Marxists has formed a fraction and tweaked its approach to Momentum elections, Stan Keable reports

Backward Momentum

11 Jun 2020

Jon Lansman’s organisation is trying to reinvent itself. But, looking at the contending factions, Daniel Harvey is convinced that the whole project is bankrupt

Reinstate the Wavertree Four

04 Jun 2020

The witch-hunt of leftwingers is now being carried out by ‘leftwingers’, says Paul Drummond

Run, run, run away

28 May 2020

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists fears that technical reasons are being used to hide rotten politics

Stand up to witch-hunters

07 May 2020

Those who fail to show solidarity should not be given solidarity, writes David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists

Shielding the powerful

23 Apr 2020

Heavy-handed legal threats against Labour show up the real effects of data protection legislation, argues Paul Demarty

Weaponising ‘anti-Semitism’

23 Apr 2020

Labour’s leaked report does not tackle the central question, argues Moshé Machover

Singularly incompetent

17 Apr 2020

Jeremy Corbyn was timid and cowardly, argues Adam Lewinski. Though this article was originally written for the Morning Star, it was rejected by the editor, who deemed it too critical. We print it in the name of honest and open debate

Revealed at last

17 Apr 2020

The full extent of the lengths the right will go to in order to regain control has finally been exposed, writes David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists

Not the gutter, but the stars

09 Apr 2020

Jack Conrad comments on Starmer’s victory and the problems with the left.

Clause wars

12 Mar 2020

James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists says RLB’s clause four owes more to Tony Blair than Sidney Webb. Either way, both amount to bullshit. What we need is a clause four that marks a real political shift.

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