
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

An Open Letter

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein addresses Labour MP Joan Ryan

Two Noam Chomskys

01 Sep 2016

Chris Knight discusses his new book, where he contrasts Chomsky, the principled political activist, with Chomsky, the military researcher

Pseudo-secularism on the beach

01 Sep 2016

The petty cruelty of the French burqini bans stems from an elite looking for scapegoats, writes Paul Demarty

Burying the scandal

01 Sep 2016

The western media has shown little interest in new revelations about the slaughter of political prisoners in 1988, reports Yassamine Mather

Different plot twists, same ending

25 Aug 2016

Jim Creegan shows that there is nothing progressive about the Hillary Clinton’s platform

Imperialists bearing gifts

25 Aug 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the changing alliances in the war in Syria

Voting for the right lizard

04 Aug 2016

Who’s afraid of president Trump? Not Paul Demarty

Life of a heroic traitor

04 Aug 2016

Jim Creegan looks back at the extraordinary story of Roger Casement on the 100th anniversary of his execution

Conniving with the Tories

21 Jul 2016

The vote to renew Trident demonstrated that the Labour right will stop at nothing in their desire to be rid of Jeremy Corbyn, writes Peter Manson

Erdoğan’s counter-coup coup

21 Jul 2016

While a bloody military intervention has been defeated, that in itself is no reason to cheer, writes Esen Uslu

Legacy of Bush and Blair

21 Jul 2016

Yassamine Mather comments on the Nice massacre

Not a whitewash

14 Jul 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the Chilcot report and looks at a possible response

State department socialists

14 Jul 2016

In the wake of the Chilcot inquiry, Paul Demarty remembers that it was not merely the Blairites who put faith in the benevolence of American power

Profoundly political

07 Jul 2016

Abbas Kiarostami, June 22 1940 - July 4 2016, Yassamine Mather shares her memories

War criminals all

30 Jun 2016

The Labour right is guilty of much more than plotting against Jeremy Corbyn, writes Yassamine Mather

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