
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Fight on two fronts

16 Jan 2020

Trump’s reckless drone assassination was a godsend for the reactionary theocratic regime in Tehran

Champion assassinator

16 Jan 2020

Moshé Machover focused on the Israeli aspect in his address to the Hopi meeting.

A godsend for the regime

09 Jan 2020

Yassamine Mather assesses the situation in the Middle East following the US assassination of Qassem Soleimani and Iran’s missile revenge gesture

Oppose the clerical regime too

12 Dec 2019

Reply to open letter from Hands Off the People of Iran.

Against US imperialism

12 Dec 2019

Open letter from US-based anti-imperialist activists, scholars, artists and lawyers.

Nice British bobby

12 Dec 2019

Yassamine Mather compares Radio Farda’s reporting of Iran with its touching depiction of Britain.

Russia, Russia, Russia …

12 Dec 2019

The Democrats’ campaign for Trump’s impeachment is a symptom of a sea change, writes Daniel Lazare.

Most dangerous woman in America?

28 Nov 2019

Daniel Lazare considers the role of Fiona Hill in the anti-Trump impeachment campaign.

Regime faces new crisis

23 Nov 2019

Tehran has blocked the internet in a desperate attempt to suppress protests, reports Yassamine Mather.

Two impossibilities

22 Nov 2019

Neither a one-state solution nor a two-state solution is feasible, argues Moshé Machover. This article is based on his talk at Communist University.

Bloodstained sliver of sand

15 Nov 2019

Everyone can see that Erdoğan’s military adventure has added to the chaos in Syria. But should the left in Turkey tail the Kurdish movement? Esen Uslu gives his opinion.

Met with maximum force

15 Nov 2019

Yassamine Mather discusses the popular revolts against corruption, sectarianism and Iranian influence.

Wider transformation

15 Nov 2019

What is the way ahead for the resistance? Lorna Anderson concludes her report-back on a recent visit to Palestine.

Given up on liberation

10 Nov 2019

Many militants are coming round to the view that, as well as the enemy being the Israeli occupation forces, there is an enemy within too. Lorna Anderson reports.

Second Arab spring?

09 Nov 2019

As demonstrators once again take to the streets, Yassamine Mather looks at the issues involved.

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