
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Moral panic and blue checks

05 May 2022

Elon Musk’s proposed $44 billion Twitter takeover should not be compared with the last days of the Weimar Republic. Nor will it strike a blow for free speech, writes Paul Demarty

Craving expansion and annexation

05 May 2022

While the western media has been dominated by the Ukraine war, it is virtually silent about Erdoğan’s ongoing military operations in Iraq and Syria, writes Esen Uslu

MBS goes ballistic

05 May 2022

Disillusioned with the US, Riyadh refuses to condemn Russia, threatens to become a nuclear power and pivots towards China. Yassamine Mather investigates the shifting politics of the Middle East

Rival nationalist bigotries

28 Apr 2022

Daniel Lazare investigates the thriving rightwing ideology on both sides of the Russia-Ukraine divide

Pro-Kremlin socialists

28 Apr 2022

Social-imperialism and social-pacifism are not our only problems, argues Jack Conrad. There is also a left that tails, excuses and flatters the Putin regime

Will the war spread?

21 Apr 2022

It is not just the immediate consequences for Russia and Ukraine that should concern us, argues Daniel Lazare

Pro-war socialists

21 Apr 2022

In the name of ‘critical support’ for ‘Russian defence’ of Donbas, Tony Greenstein attacks Gilbert Achcar, Anti-Capitalist Resistance and the so-called Fourth International

Assessing Putin’s gamble

21 Apr 2022

Mike Macnair critiques the idea, common amongst social-imperialists and social-pacifists alike, that modern Russia is a full-blown imperialist power

SUPPLEMENT: Imperialism and the state (Part IV)

14 Apr 2022

There can never be a world capitalist state. Hierarchy and inequality between many states is an inevitable feature of capitalism

A farrago of illusions

14 Apr 2022

Social-Putinism and social-imperialism are not our only problem, argues Jack Conrad. There is the curse of social‑pacifism and centrism too

SUPPLEMENT: Imperialism and the state (Part III)

07 Apr 2022

Capitalism produces huge wealth and huge inequalities, both of which play a role in recurring crises

Resistance to war fever

07 Apr 2022

Amidst the suffocating establishment consensus, Toby Abse welcomes the relatively principled position taken by much of the Italian left

The war party

07 Apr 2022

With the Republican right still preaching isolationism, it is the Democrats who are now gung-ho for wars and military adventures, writes Daniel Lazare

Alex’s greater friend

07 Apr 2022

The SWP is clearly motivated by opportunist considerations, not least the fall-out from the Martin Smith rape scandal. We do not owe politeness to renegades, argues Paul Demarty

End of phase one

31 Mar 2022

As shown by the talks in Istanbul, Vladimir Putin has already lost what could still be a horrible, grizzly, prolonged war. Jack Conrad gives his assessment

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