
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Cold war set to heat up

27 Oct 2022

Michael Roberts expects a turn to self-reliance, urges less reliance on the capitalist sector and calls for democratic planning

Social murder at Ereğli

20 Oct 2022

The 41 deaths at the state-owned mine were not inevitable, says Esen Uslu. No, they were victims of social murder

Moving ever further right

20 Oct 2022

November’s election is far from certain. The only thing for sure is that the next coalition government will be dominated either by the far right or the still further to the right, argues Tony Greenstein

More on the way

20 Oct 2022

The military top brass were actively blocking presidential orders. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were cowering from the neo-fascist mob unleashed by the president. Daniel Lazare sees a constitutional order in an advanced state of decay

Something has to give

20 Oct 2022

Mahsa Amini’s killing at the hands of the morality police sparked protests in every province. The young, in particular female students and school students, refuse to be ruled in the old way. However, the Islamic regime seems determined to keep on using mass repression, fear and the cloak of religion, says Yassamine Mather

Journalism? What journalism?

13 Oct 2022

Daniel Lazare looks behind the anti-Russia lies and spin and finds a corporate media that has no interest nor concern for the truth

Notes on the war

13 Oct 2022

Sabotage of pipelines, annexations, crazy talk of nuclear weapons and plans for regime change - but the socialist alternative is sadly lacking. Jack Conrad calls for unity in the serious business of party-building

Beware of concerned neocons

06 Oct 2022

Workers, teachers, students, school students, need solidarity from below, argues Yassamine Mather

Atlanticist post-fascist

06 Oct 2022

Giorgia Meloni will continue to align with the US-Anglosphere. However, argues Maciej Zurowski, the umbilical cord joining her with fascism remains

Another common sense is possible

06 Oct 2022

Ukraine, Nord Stream, the nuclear war danger, US China strategy, Tory unravelling and a record Labour opinion lead. Gaby Rubin reports

Weighing the evidence

06 Oct 2022

After eliminating the improbable, Daniel Lazare points a finger of blame at the probable culprit

Cornered, bellicose and dangerous

06 Oct 2022

The lady was for turning after all, writes Eddie Ford, and the Tories are now in a state of open civil war, facing a crushing electoral defeat. So will Liz Truss play the Ukraine war card?

Protests challenge the regime

29 Sep 2022

Across the whole country, in every city, in every town, there is revolt. But does ‘post-nationalism’, rather than class politics, provide the solution? Yassamine Mather investigates

The Blob closes in

29 Sep 2022

Trump is a con artist with a transactional approach to the law. However, argues Daniel Lazare, Democrat attempts to prosecute him are political warfare by other means

The killing of Mahsa

22 Sep 2022

Yassamine Mather says the imposition of the ‘full hijab’ by the Gasht-e Ershad morality police is a class issue. Richer Iranian women, the well-connected, have little to fear

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