
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Russia’s apologists

09 Dec 1999

Morning Star and Chechnya

Hands off Chechnya

11 Nov 1999

Putin steps up colonial war

Kosova: Independence - against the KLA

21 Oct 1999

John Stone of the LCMRCI calls on the Communist Party to reassess its position

Self-determination and Ireland

16 Sep 1999

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group argues against self-determination for the British-Irish

Yeltsin’s last throw

19 Aug 1999

With the “failure of market capitalism” Russia continues its disastrous spiral

Europe and the politics of the offensive

19 Aug 1999

The knot tightens

15 Jul 1999

Michael Malkin discusses the growing threat to the Milosevic regime in Serbia

After the elections

24 Jun 1999

John Stone of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International looks at the lessons of June 10

Calling the tune

24 Jun 1999

Balkans war

New crises lies ahead for Nato

17 Jun 1999

Michael Malkin discusses the repercussions of imperialism’s victory in Kosova

Kosova deal

10 Jun 1999

Imperialist peace opens up new phase

Beginning of the end?

03 Jun 1999

Despite talk of a Balkans settlement, Kosovar self-determination does not figure in Nato’s plans

Scargill’s Stalinist badge

27 May 1999

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Germany calling

27 May 1999

Defend tiny Serbia

27 May 1999

Former SLP vice-president Royston Bull says defeating Nato is the only issue at stake

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