
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Choosing the butcher

15 Feb 2007

With the presidential elections looming and the two mainstream candidates neck and neck, France's establishment looks set to take another step towards its goal of establishing a stable, two-party system. Peter Manson looks at the failure of the left to provide an alternative

Equality and the Euro gravy train

29 Jul 2004

Peter Mandelson's nomination as Britain's EU commissioner sheds light on the undemocratic nature of the EU. Jack Conrad examines how communists should challenge this institution - to build a truly democratic Europe from below

Electoral deal ratified

11 Dec 2003

Peter Manson reports on the French left and the EU elections

Unite for a social Europe

27 Nov 2003

This appeal, the grandiosely named ‘Declaration of the assembly of actors and social movements’, was passed on November 16, the last day of the Paris European Social Forum.

PRC - origins, problems and prospects

12 Nov 2003

The combativity of the working class in Italy is in part connected to the leadership offered by Rifondazione Comunista, argues Toby Abse, a supporter of Resistance. This monthly publication groups together the International Socialist Group - affiliated to the so-called 'Fourth International' - and an eclectic range of independents who in general inhabit the right wing of the Socialist Alliance

Seize opportunity

12 Nov 2003

As the European Union tries to introduce its quasi-democratic constitution, expands to the east, adopts the single currency and looks to a unitary European defence force, our side is left to play catch-up, says Marcus Ström

United States of Europe - theirs and ours

12 Nov 2003

Jack Conrad explains the communist vision

Macedonia and consistent democracy

22 Mar 2001

Self-determination for Balkan peoples

Anti-democratic 'anti-imperialism'

30 Nov 2000

Social chauvinism

02 Nov 2000

Arising from an ongoing internet discussion on the UK Left Network (www.egroups.com/groups/UK_Left_Network), Owen Jones takes on the CPGB's position on Yugoslavia

Globalise this?

05 Oct 2000

Serbia on the brink

05 Oct 2000

Prague S26

28 Sep 2000

Time for control

L'Union européenne et les communistes

21 Sep 2000

Red-brown cesspit

16 Dec 1999

Michael Malkin examines the Great Russian chauvinism and anti-semitism of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

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