
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

The centre is cracking

13 Jun 2024

EU parliamentary elections have shocked the political establishment and the soft left alike. Barış Graham looks at the far right’s surge in support

Unholy trinity continues to push

23 May 2024

Thanks to the US, Nato and the EU, the Ukraine fallout is spreading, writes Daniel Lazare - not least in Georgia and Slovakia

Sir Keir’s Tory bigot

16 May 2024

Natalie Elphicke is welcomed in. Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott are kept out. Meanwhile, the Corbynista left limps on in 57 insipid varieties, writes Carla Roberts

Turning the tide

18 Apr 2024

Ukraine’s summer 2023 offensive was a complete failure and Russia now appears to be making tactical gains. But Kyiv is not going to be a pushover, writes Eddie Ford

Gaza and militarisation

11 Apr 2024

Toby Abse reports on the links between Italian universities and Israel’s war machine. Inevitably anyone who dares protest is branded an anti-Semite by the rightwing media

Notes on the war

04 Apr 2024

At this particular juncture the west’s proxy finds itself on the back foot, says Jack Conrad. Doubtless that explains why Donald Tusk is warning Russia that a wider war in Europe is “a real threat”

Navalny’s sticky end

22 Feb 2024

Paul Demarty looks at the death of a persistent critic and irritant to Vladimir Putin and the FSB regime ... and a hero of the west, who showed undoubted courage in the face of cruel persecution

Notes on the war

22 Feb 2024

After two years of battlefield carnage there is stalemate. Jack Conrad calls for the left to break from social-pacifism and centrism

Whitewashing Marine Le Pen

07 Dec 2023

Italy and Giorgia Meloni provide the model. David Broder asks what lies behind the ‘mainstreaming’ of the far right

Nigel’s next adventure

23 Nov 2023

However he gets on in the jungle, Nigel Farage is far from done with frontline politics, writes Paul Demarty

Investigations drag on and on

21 Sep 2023

We all know who did it … and it was not Russia. Daniel Lazare looks at how the right is gaining traction from telling an evident truth

Their fantasy, our nightmare

20 Jul 2023

Ukraine’s offensive is getting nowhere and when a compromise is eventually reached Zelensky will be in deep trouble, argues Daniel Lazare

Notes on the war

29 Jun 2023

Putin is in real trouble - the Wagnerite rebellion testifies to political, military and strategic failure, argues Jack Conrad

Meloni’s antecedents

01 Jun 2023

Toby Abse reviews David Broder Mussolini’s grandchildren: fascism in contemporary Italy Pluto Press 2023, pp240, £17.99

Same old road

25 May 2023

Do not expect any radical shift, particularly on foreign policy, under a Sinn Féin-led government, warns Anne McShane

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