
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Disintegrating alliance

02 Nov 2017

The SACP is calling for a ‘reconfigured alliance’ with the ANC in a desperate attempt to stave off the pressure from below, writes Peter Manson

Corbyn must speak out

26 Oct 2017

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on the launch of a promising new campaign

Spooks and a Corbyn government

26 Oct 2017

Neither the secret state nor the armed forces have undergone any kind of fundamental change, warns Jack Conrad. They remain a clear and present danger

Pisapia’s soap opera

19 Oct 2017

Thankfully the attempt by the former mayor of Milan to pull fragments to the left of the PD back into the fold has ended in failure, writes Toby Abse

Scurrilous allegations

19 Oct 2017

Following his summary expulsion from the Labour Party Moshé Machover has responded to the governance and legal unit. This is a slightly abridged version of his letter

Reinstate Moshé

19 Oct 2017

This petition, organised by Jewish Voice for Labour, has been signed by hundreds of Labour Party members, Jewish and non-Jewish

Hanging on by a thread

12 Oct 2017

While Theresa May has just about survived the Conservative Party conference, worse challenges lie ahead, reckons Paul Demarty

Defend Moshé Machover

12 Oct 2017

Hands Off the People of Iran protests against the expulsion of one of Hopi’s founding members

Transform the Labour Party

12 Oct 2017

The steering committee of Labour Party Marxists has agreed this 13-point platform, which will provide the basis for its submission to the Labour Party democracy commission

No case to answer

12 Oct 2017

Stan Keable was expelled last week from the Labour Party because of his association with Labour Party Marxists, of which he is secretary. This is his reply to Labour’s head of disputes

Labour’s ‘flexible’ rules

12 Oct 2017

If being a supporter of LPM is incompatible with Labour’s ‘aims and principles’, asks Carla Roberts, where does that leave all the other political organisations inside the party?

Dangerous games

05 Oct 2017

There is a perverse rationality to the Spanish repression of the Catalan independence campaign, writes Paul Demarty

Capitulating to xenophobia

05 Oct 2017

The Renzi government is now competing with the far right when it comes to migrants, writes Toby Abse

Don’t be disheartened

05 Oct 2017

Despite the outrageous expulsion of Moshé Machover, writes Tony Greenstein, Labour’s pro-Zionists are increasingly isolated

Expelled for saying the unsayable

05 Oct 2017

Labour Party Marxists attracted much praise and support from delegates at the Labour Party conference, in particular because of the excellent ‘Anti-Zionism does not equal anti-Semitism’ article written by Moshé Machover. Since then the right has taken its revenge. Around the country anyone who has expressed a liking for the LPM online or forwarded an article could well be on the receiving end of an expulsion letter. One of them is Moshé Machover. LPM’s Reg Kingston spoke to him

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