
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

The Firm reinvents itself

24 May 2018

The royal wedding was used to present the monarchy and the entire establishment as modern, progressive ... and anti-racist, writes Eddie Ford

A black day for Labour

24 May 2018

There are few silver linings to Ken Livingstone’s resignation, reckons Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists

Spotted hyenas and the Labour right

17 May 2018

William Sarsfield of Labour Party Marxists reports on the campaign against the witch-hunt

No criticism permitted

17 May 2018

Tony Greenstein reports on the case of Stan Keable, whose employer is threatening to dismiss him for his opposition to Zionism

Where’s the politics?

17 May 2018

The TUC’s call for a ‘new deal’ is tellingly vague and lacking in detail, writes Peter Manson

A toxic climate of fear

17 May 2018

Shami Chakrabarti’s call for Ken Livingstone’s expulsion shows where appeasement leads, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

The royal wedding and platonic republicanism

17 May 2018

Eddie Ford thinks the left, and Jeremy Corbyn, should take the monarchy seriously

No big swings

10 May 2018

The local election results should warn us that a Corbyn government is not a shoo-in, writes Eddie Ford

The rise of a Mini-Me Hitler

03 May 2018

Thomas Klikauer looks at the fruitcakes, loonies and out-and-out racists who inhabit the völkische wing of the AfD

Blairite right clings on

03 May 2018

William Phillips of Labour Party Marxists looks at the forthcoming leadership election in Welsh Labour

Join us in battle

03 May 2018

The RMT is debating whether or not to affiliate. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists says get back in

Corbyn: grow a backbone

03 May 2018

Sacrificing an outstanding anti-racist for having dared to criticise a pro-Israel MP will only increase the appetite of the right, warns Tony Greenstein

Zionism is the real problem

03 May 2018

Marc Wadsworth’s expulsion should be viewed in the context of the international situation, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Danger of a right-populist coalition

26 Apr 2018

While some insist that M5S is a ‘leftwing’ force, writes Toby Abse, it could well be heading for government in alliance with the Lega

Stalin’s fellow travellers

26 Apr 2018

Paul Flewers looks at the strange case of the Fabians Sidney and Beatrice Webb

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