
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Fighting education cuts

30 Mar 1995

Sharpening up our act

Turn protest into workers' muscle

30 Mar 1995

The time has now passed for building up ‘public support’. NHS workers already enjoy overwhelming support from the working class

Dundee hospital protest

23 Mar 1995

Both Tories and Labour have starved the NHS of funds. Communist candidates in Scotland say it should meet the growing needs of the population, not operate according to what capitalism can afford

By-pass official channels

23 Mar 1995

Gorbachev’s comeback bid

23 Mar 1995

Adams in the White House

23 Mar 1995

Solidarity needed at Badgerline

23 Mar 1995

Steve Argent, one of the workers sacked from the Badgerline bus company in Chelmsford, reports on the progress of the dispute

Turkey’s crisis and the crisis of the left

23 Mar 1995

Health, Education - Fight back together!

23 Mar 1995

As both health and education workers make their voices heard in protest against attacks on pay, jobs and services, now could not be a better time to organise a united fightback

Labour - daftness devolved

16 Mar 1995

By-election by and by

16 Mar 1995

The great fiasco

16 Mar 1995

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, March 18 1920

New clause four is pre-clause four

16 Mar 1995

Labour, ironically under the rubric of ‘modernisation’, is about to transform itself back into a trade union backed liberal party

Turkey: class struggle erupts

16 Mar 1995

War in the peace movement

16 Mar 1995

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