
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

French fascists gain

22 Jun 1995

Bargaining tools

22 Jun 1995

The following is a statement received by the Republican Socialist POW department signed by the Officer Commanding Irish National Liberation Army prisoners

Adams comes to his senses

22 Jun 1995

Thee IRSP gives its views on Gerry Adams’ ending of exploratory talks last Saturday

False phrophets for Bosnia

22 Jun 1995

The UN is a reactionary force - along with all the warring parties

... but resistance continues

22 Jun 1995

Rolls closure deal

22 Jun 1995

Last month 600 Rolls Royce workers gave up the fight to save their jobs, and accepted the closure of the design and development and customer support sections in East Kilbride. The Weekly Worker spoke to the MSF union branch chair, Owen Thomas

College bosses on the attack

22 Jun 1995

Labour, Tory - both rotten to the core!

22 Jun 1995

First the Tory mafia, now the Labour mafia. All the Labour councillors on the Monklands East district council have been suspended from the party, accused of dishing out ‘jobs for the boys’ and granting sectarian favours. Why should we hand power to any of these corrupt hypocrites?

Another stab in the union back

15 Jun 1995

Free Irish prisoners

15 Jun 1995

Self defence is no offence

15 Jun 1995

Fawning Star

15 Jun 1995

Win the mass in the NUT

15 Jun 1995

Teachers need to build on the work of the Fight Against Cuts in Education and bypass the union bureaucracy

Answer ‘illegal’ ruling with action

15 Jun 1995

Healthworkers’ unity sabotaged

15 Jun 1995

The limitations of the ‘official’ trade union movement have been made obvious over the last few weeks. The RCN wants to go it alone, while the Unison leadership is now having cosy chats with Virginia Bottomley. We need a drastically different approach

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