
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Humanising our environment

17 Jul 1997

Do communists support a ban on fox-hunting or do we defend the ‘democratic rights’ of fox-hunters? Is a campaign to ban fox-hunting a ‘diversion’ from serious politics? Danny Hammill gives his view on some of these issues, debated at a recent CPGB London seminar

Fight for genuine self-determination

17 Jul 1997

As the campaign takes off, tensions grow within the Scottish Socialist Alliance

Homophobia thrives in SLP

10 Jul 1997

The following is an open letter to all Socialist Labour Party branches by voided party member in Manchester John Pearson. It concerns the attitude of the party leadership to the homophobic publication, Economic and Philosophic Science Review

Business welcomes Brown’s budget

10 Jul 1997

New Labour boss attacks workers

10 Jul 1997

Just two months into Blair’s honeymoon, New Labour’s business ally, Bob Ayling, is tooled up to batter the workforce

Labour day in Detroit

03 Jul 1997

Socialist Labour Party ‘voided’ member and Unison activist Barry Biddulph reports on workers struggle against the odds in the USA

Imperialist hypocrisy

03 Jul 1997

A single step forward

03 Jul 1997

The report of the CPGB-organised discussion around the idea of a ‘crisis of expectations’ (see ‘Road to nowhere’ Weekly Worker June 19) has provoked two responses

Dismissing the national question

03 Jul 1997

Around the left

Tory minority lines up with Scottish Socialist Alliance

03 Jul 1997

Drop the dead donkey

26 Jun 1997

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group discusses why he is against a “Duma with full powers”

Lining up with the establishment

26 Jun 1997

Around the left

Antithesis of communism

26 Jun 1997

Pol Pot and the ‘killing fields’ of Kampuchea are meant to be a lesson in the evils of communism - or so we are told. Eddie Ford points to the true nature of the Khmer Rouge and what it really represented

Speaking for the establishment

26 Jun 1997

Party notes

Stifling debate in Scotland

26 Jun 1997

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