
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Copyright or human need

14 Dec 2006

Communists are for the freedom of information, says Mike Macnair

SWP accommodates to Scottish nationalism

07 Dec 2006

The Scottish Socialist Party and Solidarity are striving to become junior partners of the Scottish National Party, writes Jim Moody

Dead ducks and Labour pains

30 Nov 2006

Entitled 'New Labour after Blair - can it be shifted left or is a new workers' party needed?' this meeting illustrated that the Socialist Party has a deeply problematic stance in relation to the Labour Party. Lawrence Parker reports

Islamists and infidels

30 Nov 2006

Seyyed Ferjani from the Muslim Association of Britain and SP member Jim Hensman debated the rather broad question, 'Which way forward for Britain's muslims?' Not surprisingly, the meeting lacked a certain focus - but also highlighted the SP's confused and inadequate position on democratic questions, says Helen Broadhurst

Democracy east and west

30 Nov 2006

Leading SP member Paula Mitchell presented a scary vision of socialism in the session, 'Why the Soviet Union wasn't socialist and how democracy would work under socialism'. Tina Becker was there

Manchester warning

30 Nov 2006

The potential for Student Respect in alliance with the Federation of Student Islamic Societies to make a breakthrough in student politics - and the contradictory results this would have for political and social life on the campuses - has been illustrated by the spat on Manchester University's Student Direct. Emily Bransom reports

Our republic

23 Nov 2006

For too long the left has dismissed minimum-maximum programmes. Jack Conrad argues that as well as shortcomings, gaps and faults there is much that can positively be learnt from them

SWP 'no platform' fiasco

23 Nov 2006

Last weekend's grandly named People's Assembly saw the Socialist Workers Party adopt a highly contradictory position on the crucial question of defence of democratic rights, including the right to free speech. Peter Manson reports

Many questions, no answers

16 Nov 2006

Last weekend saw the SWP attempt to win union militants to Respect. Alan Stevens reports on the Organising for Fighting Unions conference

Another Marxism is possible

16 Nov 2006

Richard Price responds to Mike Macnair's critique of 100 years of Labour

BNP acquittal heralds fresh attack on rights

16 Nov 2006

Communists reject giving the state more powers to restrict free speech, says Jim Moody

What happens next?

16 Nov 2006

Public and Commercial Services Union militant Tony Wood gives his view of the conference

PCSU left split

16 Nov 2006

Lee Rock, national secretary of the PCSU Socialist Caucus, explains the split in the Left Unity group

Desperate evasion and sectarianism

09 Nov 2006

A 'republican socialist party' in Britain that eschews Marxism must be a concession to nationalism. Mike Macnair responds to Dave Craig

Marxist party - an illusion

02 Nov 2006

In the absence of a world revolutionary party, a national communist party could only be a capitulation to British nationalism, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

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