
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Election lottery

26 Apr 2007

On Thursday May 3, voters in Wales go to the polls in what is dubbed by many the 'Welsh general election'. However, if interest in the event is to match that rather grand title, there would have to be a significant increase in the 38% turnout recorded for the last assembly elections in 2003. Bob Davies reports

Post workers under attack

26 Apr 2007

At the end of last week, Royal Mail announced that it would accelerate the privatisation of crown post offices by transferring 85 of them to the tender mercies of WH Smith. Initially, 70 are to due to go this year. Jim Moody reports

Propaganda and ideology

26 Apr 2007

The most remarkable thing about the sword and sandals epic 300 is that there have been no pickets organised outside the local Odeon and no fatwahs issued against director Zack Snyder and executive producer Frank Miller, says Jeremy Butler

Spiralling deeper into nationalism

26 Apr 2007

By returning the Scottish National Party as the largest party on May 3, the third election to Scotland's devolved parliament has the potential to open up a profound debate about the constitutional settlement that has long served one of the world's oldest bourgeoisies. Nick Rogers reports

Release Mahmoud Salehi

26 Apr 2007

PCSU - fight to win

26 Apr 2007

On May Day the Public and Commercial Services Union is calling out its 280,000 civil service members on a 24-hour strike. Lee Rock, national secretary of the PCSU Socialist Caucus, explains the issues

'Don't criticise Iranian regime'

26 Apr 2007

At the April 19 activists' meeting of Campaign Iran, our call for principled internationalism was met with SWP-backed nationalist accusations of displaying an "imperial and colonial" viewpoint, which was "catastrophic for the people of Iran". Tina Becker reports

Right to bear arms, not commit murder

19 Apr 2007

The "right of the people to keep and bear arms" is an essentially progressive concept, as far as communists are concerned, says Eddie Ford

HOPI gains support

19 Apr 2007

The Hands Off the People of Iran campaign staged an effective intervention at this week's Scottish Trades Union Congress in Glasgow. Marcila Gharib reports

Hostage crisis and reactionary schemes

12 Apr 2007

Without doubt, Iran's capture of the 15 UK sailors and marines - and then their eventual high-profile release - was a humiliation for British imperialism. And the subsequent row about whether some of the service members, especially Faye Turnway, should have sold their story to the mass media for large amounts of money has further soiled the entire incident for many in the UK establishment. Eddie Ford comments

SWP backs the mullahs - official

12 Apr 2007

The Socialist Workers Party-backed Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (Casmii) effectively operates as an apologist for the regime sitting in Tehran, says Eddie Ford

Giving internationalism new meaning

12 Apr 2007

The Liverpool dockers' March for Social Justice took place 10 years ago, on April 12 1997. Chris Knight of the London Dockers Support Group, who acted as the main link with the Reclaim the Streets movement, looks back at the dockers' historic fight

Wales launch

12 Apr 2007

Bob Davies reports on the launch of the Hands Off the People of Iran campaign in Cardiff

Double standards in London and Tehran

12 Apr 2007

In the furore over the capture of British sailors and marines and their theatrical release by Iran's islamic regime, a number of essential points seem to have been forgotten by the British media, and even by so-called anti-war broadsheets, says Yassamine Mather

Fight slavery in all its forms

05 Apr 2007

Eddie Ford on the bicentenary of the abolition of slavery in Britain - and the distorted pictures painted of William Wilberforce

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