
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Kick Lord Hutton out of the Labour Party

17 Mar 2011

Those who collaborate with the Con-Lib Dem coalition betray the working class and bring discredit to the Labour Party, writes Eddie Ford

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Tactics and the Great Strike

10 Mar 2011

Ian Isaac responds to David Douglass's review of his book, 'When we were miners'

No champions of democracy

03 Mar 2011

David Cameron's gun-toting trade tour is a much-needed reminder of imperialism's real interest in the Middle East, writes James Turley

Stalinist barriers to study and thought

03 Mar 2011

Paul B Smith concludes his call for a renewed Marxist culture

Lies that refuse to be buried

24 Feb 2011

On the anniversary of the 1933 Reichstag fire, Bob Potter looks back at the trial of Marinus van der Lubbe and Georgi Dimitrov

Despised by the Tory right

24 Feb 2011

James Turley says that Kenneth Clarke is telling his party exactly what it does not want to hear

A Marxist culture free from the taint of Stalinism

24 Feb 2011

In the first of two articles, Paul B Smith argues that Marxism must be distinguished from Stalinism if a new generation of anti-capitalists fighters are to be properly educated. The starting point must be Marx's 'Capital'

Vote 'no' on March 3

17 Feb 2011

Next month will see a referendum on proposals to give the Welsh assembly a limited number of law-making powers. Gareth Evans gives his opinion

The phoney war has ended

17 Feb 2011

Alex John describes the opening round in the CPGB discussion on perspectives

Dismissing the potential of Labour

10 Feb 2011

Two comrades take issue with the CPGB's perspectives of transforming the Labour Party into a real party of labour

So we should all join Labour?

10 Feb 2011

Dave Vincent gives his view

Stirrings of an Arab revolution

27 Jan 2011

Mass revolts and protests from Tunisia to Egypt once again raise the question of pan-Arab unity, writes Eddie Ford

Police agents exposed

20 Jan 2011

Mark Kennedy was not the only spy to infiltrate the eco-protest movement. It is endemic, argues Eddie Ford

Shattered illusions

20 Jan 2011

The left's general election campaign is beginning to make an impact, writes Anne Mc Shane

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