

Smash Job Seekers Allowance

AT A recent CPGB Brent meeting Annette Wright from Unions Against JSA spoke of the attacks the government has in store for the unemployed and the action planned to fight it.

The introduction of Job Seekers on April 1 means the replacement of unemployment benefit with means tested benefits.

Sixteen to eighteen-year olds will have their measly benefit cut further by 60%.

Restart interviews and instructions issued to them will now become compulsory and legally enforceable.

You can be forced to get your hair cut, take a job with less money than your benefits, or travel long distances for part-time work or slave labour schemes. If you do not satisfy individual employment officers they can stop all your benefits with no right of appeal.

Staff performance-related pay means fulfilling individual targets of cutting benefits.

The fear of reduced pay and threatened sacking for not carrying out instructions will put benefit workers under pressure to push many off the dole.

Many workers in unemployment benefit offices throughout London have been boycotting the Job Seekers pilot schemes.

They have set up Unions Against JSA to organise both the employed and unemployed into a united fight.

CPSA, the main union involved, has a pay dispute coming up which Unions Against JSA want to use as a springboard to action against these cuts and attacks.

Individual unemployed workers as well as political organisations are encouraged to join the fight.