Party & Programme > Class and consciousness
Wide open for the class
19 Apr 2012
What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival
Don’t abandon Palestinian cause
07 Sep 2017
The National Policy Forum wants to end Labour’s opposition to the occupation, writes Tony Greenstein
Possibilities and challenges
07 Sep 2017
Are Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbyn and Marine Le Pen from the same mould? Kevin Bean completes his analysis
Lenin refutes a misreading of the April theses
31 Aug 2017
Reproducing a historic polemic
Lenin glosses the April theses
31 Aug 2017
In this fifth part of his series, Lars T Lih focuses on Lenin’s April 21 1917 Pravda article, ‘A basic question’
Lord of chaos
10 Aug 2017
Donald Trump’s reign is turning into a fiasco, writes Paul Demarty, who is concerned about his plans to regain the initiative
Rhetoric and political realities
03 Aug 2017
A ‘rule of law’ which protects property rights above all else guarantees nothing but authoritarian demagogy, argues Mike Macnair
Opening up possibilities
27 Jul 2017
Leila Lilazi looks back at the Bernie Sanders phenomenon and can still feel the fire burning
Left’s movementist delusions
13 Jul 2017
Neither a million-strong demonstration nor mass strikes would in themselves be likely to bring down the Tories, argues Mike Macnair. But, with the government weak and wobbly, the real question is what happens after a general election. Greece holds plenty of negative lessons
Big Meeting gets bigger
06 Jul 2017
The 133rd Durham Miners’ Gala this Saturday will see some 150,000 march through the ancient city. Davie Douglass looks at the history and the ongoing significance
Now let’s crush the Blairites
06 Jul 2017
There is a greater opportunity than ever to break the grip of the right, argues Paul Demarty
May is not irreplaceable
29 Jun 2017
More is needed than a removal van outside Number 10, argues Paul Demarty
Fire in Babylon
22 Jun 2017
This is a disaster that results from decades of misrule, argues Paul Demarty
Blow to separatism
15 Jun 2017
The Tory revival north of the border exposes the failure of left nationalism, writes Eddie Ford
Collaboration that haunts Zionism
01 Jun 2017
Tony Greenstein reviews: Paul Bogdanor, 'Kasztner’s crimes', Routledge, 2016, pp335, £61.59
Scandal fails to take hold
01 Jun 2017
Jeremy Corbyn seems to have survived attacks on his historic links with Irish republicans, but his response was still weak, argues Paul Demarty