
Party & Programme > Bolshevism

Fur flies over Lenin

22 Mar 2012

What has the debate over 1912 got to do with current communist practice? James Turley answers the philistines

Bolshevism and revolutionary social democracy

07 Jun 2012

Lars T Lih completes his series of articles on Lenin's view of the party question by examining the context in 1920 of 'Leftwing' communism

How Lenin's party became (Bolshevik)

17 May 2012

Did Lenin seek to exclude Mensheviks from Russia's revolutionary organisation in order to forge a 'party of a new type'? Lars T Lih looks at the reality

Convergence and questions

10 May 2012

What did Lenin expect to arise from the 1912 Prague conference? Paul Le Blanc responds to Lars T Lih on Bolshevism and party-building

A faction is not a party

03 May 2012

Did the Bolsheviks seek to create a 'party of a new type' in 1912? Lars T Lih looks at the historical record

1912 and 2012

05 Apr 2012

Paul Le Blanc argues that the Bolsheviks constituted themselves as a separate party at the Prague conference and advocates a 'united front' for today's disunited Marxist left

Both Pham Binh and Paul Le Blanc are wrong

05 Apr 2012

The left has never properly grasped the history and significance of Bolshevism, argues Mike Macnair

Breaking with the cold war consensus

05 Apr 2012

Has today's anti-Stalinist left sleepwalked into a Stalinoid conception of 'Bolshevism'? This is an edited and expanded version of the speech delivered by the CPGB's Ben Lewis to the March 31-April 1 Platypus convention in Chicago

Wanting to get Lenin wrong

29 Mar 2012

Pham Binh challenges those who insist on maintaining their fictional image of Lenin and the Bolsheviks - despite the overwhelming evidence

Fur flies over Lenin

22 Mar 2012

What has the debate over 1912 got to do with current communist practice? James Turley answers the philistines

SUPPLEMENT: Falling out over a Cliff

16 Feb 2012

Was Lenin a lying manoeuvrer? Were the Bolsheviks a cult led by an all-knowing leader and staffed by narrow-minded minions? Lars T Lih joins in the debate over Tony Cliff's biography and debunks some myths held by both left and right

Mangling the party of Lenin

02 Feb 2012

Opportunist twists and turns and the perversion of democratic centralism have characterised the Socialist Workers Party and the groups it has influenced, including the US International Socialist Organization. But where did these practices originate? Former ISO member Pham Binh examines the method employed by SWP founder Tony Cliff

Lenin, Kautsky and the 'new era of revolutions'

22 Dec 2011

Lenin's vision of world revolution at the turn of the 20th century was inspired by Karl Kautsky, writes Canada-based scholar Lars T Lih

SUPPLEMENT: Classical Marxism and the general strike

24 Nov 2011

A victorious debate

08 Sep 2011

The 1920 Halle congress of the Independent Social Democrats of Germany (USPD) was a turning point for our movement. It was also a moment of triumph for Grigory Zinoviev. This is an excerpt from Ben Lewis's introduction to a new book, 'Zinoviev and Martov: head to head in Halle'

Zinoviev and the Halle Congress

25 Nov 2010

Zinoviev's largely forgotten speech and Martov's counterblast for the first time in English, plus introductory essays by Ben Lewis and Lars T Lih

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