
WW archive > Issue 151 - 11 July 1996

Labour leads the attack


A game of two halves; British humiliated?; Storm hits Bolivian labour congress; Hillingdon justice

Celebrating success

SLP Unity

Party notes

Scotland denied

Real debate in the SSA

MPs’ gravy train

Pay-back time

Repeating errors

Around the left

Follow that car

Car, a touring production from the Cholmondeleys. Performed outdoors at sites around the UK until August 25

Dockworkers’ struggle in Turkey

Yeltsin win brings sigh of relief

Another ‘peace’ blip

For communist unity

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) writes on progress towards communist rapprochement

Double standards

SLP: News and comment

Right wrecks Manchester

Don’t apologise - fight!

From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, July 9 1926

Whatever happened to the upturn?

Members of the Socialist Workers Party gather in London to debate and question

Democracy and the SWP

SUPPLEMENT: The revolutionary democratic road to socialism

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