
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Free Róisín McAliskey

27 Feb 1997

National question and the ‘lesser evil’

13 Feb 1997

Martin Blum discusses a working class answer to the national question in the former Yugoslavia

POWs killed by Labour and Tory

23 Jan 1997

Terry O hEarcain (from the Irish Republican Socialist Party) and Tom Ball give their views on the film ‘Some mother’s son’ and the impact it has today

IRSP statement

16 Jan 1997

Central Africa - a workers’ solution

09 Jan 1997

This article first appeared in Class Struggle, journal of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International

Scotland and the Irish question

12 Dec 1996

Jim Slaven is a member of the James Connolly Society and an East of Scotland organiser for the Scottish Socialist Alliance. The Weekly Worker asked him for his views

The WRP and Bosnia

05 Dec 1996

John Reed responds to one aspect of Lee-Anne Bates’ criticism of the Workers Revolutionary Party

Hume’s myopia

05 Dec 1996

Statement from Irish Republican Socialist Party spokesperson, Willie Gallagher

Chance to move forward in Ireland

28 Nov 1996

Humanitarianism and imperialism

21 Nov 1996

Power in our hands

24 Oct 1996

Des Wilson is a catholic priest and community activist in West Belfast. Peter Manson asked him how he viewed the present situation in the Six Counties

Unite against imperialist schemes

24 Oct 1996

Lebed the terrible

24 Oct 1996

IRA propaganda setback for Tories

17 Oct 1996

A kinder form of oppression

10 Oct 1996

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