
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

No change, no hope

13 Jan 2011

Jim Creegan reports on Barack Obama's surrender to Congressional Republicans and the renewed ruling class offensive following the Democrats' defeat in the US mid-term elections

Hands off Assange

09 Dec 2010

US imperialism's attempts to shut down Wikileaks must be defeated, argues Eddie Ford

Rattled by Wikileaks

02 Dec 2010

The latest revelations expose imperialist plans against Iran and the whole rotten business of hidden diplomacy. Eddie Ford calls for freedom of information

Imperialist crimes exposed

28 Oct 2010

Rather than democracy, the US/UK-led invasion and occupation of Iraq delivered a bloodbath. Eddie Ford looks at the Wikileaks revelations

Tea Party: rumblings on the frenzied right

30 Sep 2010

Jim Creegan reports from the United States on the polarisation of politics and an increasingly frenzied middle class

Obama's Afghan strategy in tatters

01 Jul 2010

The change of top military command in Afghanistan is not about personalities, writes Peter Manson

Union Carbide gets away with murder

17 Jun 2010

Jim Moody looks at the worst recorded industrial accident and US double standards

Not the dawn of non-nuclear peace

01 Apr 2010

Eddie Ford warns that the US-Russia agreement on nuclear arms is also about targeting Iran

Obamalaise hits home

28 Jan 2010

James Turley looks at the first year of the Obama presidency

Searing indictment of capitalism spoilt by nostalgia for New Deal

08 Oct 2009

Jim Creegan reviews Michael Moore’s (director) Capitalism: a love story 2009 (no UK release date yet)

Revolutionary traditions and realities of power

22 Jan 2009

Barack Obama invokes the traditions of the first and second American revolutions and the 1960s civil rights movement. As Ted North shows, this has created huge popular expectations

Labor left must develop platform for change

29 Nov 2007

Another member of Bush's 'coalition of the willing' has been unceremoniously dumped. Last weekend's Australian election marks an important turning point, writes Marcus Ström

Ungreen American

04 Oct 2007

Environmentalists around the world were less than impressed by president George Bush's speech at the major economies' meeting on energy, security and climate change last week. Simon Wells comments

No imperialist intervention

04 Oct 2007

George Bush and Gordon Brown have been shedding crocodile tears over Burma. But should we demand that they intervene to sort things out? Jim Moody argues that the masses themselves are the solution

More poverty, more missiles

14 Jun 2007

Ostentatious and pompous as ever, the 33rd G8 summit took place from June 6 to June 8 at the Kempinski Grand Hotel in Heiligendamm on the Baltic. Jim Moody reports

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