
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

US and Israel yearning to unleash mayhem

17 Jan 2019

Yassamine Mather examines what lies behind Israeli air strikes against Iranian targets in Syria

Trump’s game of chicken

10 Jan 2019

The president’s showdown with Congress has a ruthless logic, argues Paul Demarty

Illusions in ‘human rights’

13 Dec 2018

Some are still taken in, writes Yassamine Mather, despite US double standards

Rewriting the constitution

15 Nov 2018

As Trump gears up for 2020, Paul Demarty asks why America needs a president at all

With the grain of the times

11 Oct 2018

Yet more scandals - but Trump stands firm. Paul Demarty urges a more radical reckoning with American politics

Europe and the Trump Doctrine

26 Jul 2018

If Donald Trump is such a disastrous president, why is America not suffering, wonders Paul Demarty?

Revenge of the global hegemon

19 Jul 2018

Donald Trump’s attacks on his Nato and European ‘foes’ give us a lesson in global realities, writes Eddie Ford

Complicity in torture

12 Jul 2018

The details of ‘extraordinary rendition’ are finally out in the open. Yassamine Mather looks at the UK’s responsibility for ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’

US ramps up the pressure

28 Jun 2018

Principled left says no to regime change from above. Yassamine Mather gives them critical support

Space policy directive 2

31 May 2018

Donald Trump has signed a presidential directive designed to boost US space commerce and fend off any challenge from China. Jack Conrad says the left would be well advised not to welcome the latest promises of getting back to the moon and going on to Mars

Allies fall out

24 May 2018

US threats are alarming EU leaders, who fear more instability in the Middle East, writes Yassamine Mather

Playing Tehran’s game

10 May 2018

Those who believe Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal will damage the Islamic Republic are badly mistaken, writes Yassamine Mather

Trump, the peacemaker?

03 May 2018

Eddie Ford is sceptical about the recent love-fest between the Korean leaders

Anger from below

26 Apr 2018

Iranians are expecting the worst from both Trump and their own regime, writes Yassamine Mather

Doubts, law and grand strategy

19 Apr 2018

Yassamine Mather argues that behind the cruise missile strikes in Syria lies the plan to bring about regime change in Iran

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