
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Northern Ireland

17 May 2001

Stunt threatens crisis

Republican Communist

12 Apr 2001

Split averted

Socialising farming

12 Apr 2001

Republican Communist Network

29 Mar 2001

Instrument for unity

Foot and mouth outbreak

22 Mar 2001

Class approach needed


01 Mar 2001

Myths, half-truths and a moderate climate Tommy Sheridan, Alan McCombes Imagine Rebel Inc, 2000, pp223, £7.99

Organs for sale

08 Feb 2001

The real grave-robbers

Vauxhall and the political alternative

25 Jan 2001

Learning from Thatcher Text of speech made by comrade Steve Freeman to the Bedfordshire Socialist Alliance

Scotland and working class unity

07 Dec 2000

In an edited version of a talk given to the CPGB's Communist University 2000, Neil Davidson, author of The origins of Scottish nationhood and a member of the Socialist Workers Party, argues that the Scottish nation is a reality, but socialists should not make a principle out of arguing for its separation from Britain

SWP dithers on Scottish independence

02 Nov 2000

Allan Green, national secretary of the Scottish Socialist Party, attended the October 22 aggregate of the Socialist Workers Party. Here, in his official report, he shows how far the SWP is prepared to compromise its principles for the sake of getting into the SSP

Against independence, for a federal republic

24 Feb 2000

Marxists start their immediate programme not with nations, but the enemy state, says Jack Conrad

Marx and free speech

24 Feb 2000

For our ideas to blossom, we have to argue against censorship, says Eddie Ford

Scargill’s GLA slate

16 Dec 1999

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Harry’s game

16 Dec 1999

Party notes

Challenge to London unity

16 Dec 1999

The fight for principled left unity in London to present an electoral challenge to Blair’s Labour has received a setback. The determination of the CATP to press ahead regardless of the plans of others is wrong

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