
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

'Reformism from above'?

20 Apr 2006

Anne Mc Shane compares Respect's election materials to Socialist Worker's 'What the Socialist Workers Party stands for' column

'Reformism from above'?

13 Apr 2006

April 29-30 will see conferences of WASG and the Linkspartei.PDS. Both are crucial for the working class in Germany. The formation of a fused party will be at the core of proceedings. Ben Lewis reports from Germany

'Reformism from above'?

13 Apr 2006

Anne Mc Shane compares Respect's election materials to Socialist Worker's 'What the Socialist Workers Party stands for' column

What kind of new workers' party?

06 Apr 2006

The question of a new party is appearing on the agenda of the workers' movement over and over again. But few are fighting for one based on a Marxist programme - including most of the Marxists, paradoxically. Nick Rogers gives an overview of this crucial debate

Rights and wrongs

06 Apr 2006

Sofie Buckland of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, newly elected to the leadership of the National Union of Students on the Education Not for Sale ticket, takes issue with David Isaacson and the anti-economist emphasis of the CPGB

Merger opportunity

06 Apr 2006

Ben Lewis, a member of the CPGB and the German left party WASG, reports on the result of the Urabstimmung (membership ballot) within the WASG, which highlights widespread discontent over the leadership's bureaucratic manoeuvres in pursuing the merger with the Linkspartei.PDS ballot

Fight for unity, fight for principle

30 Mar 2006

Ben Lewis (a member of the CPGB and the German left party, WASG) reports on last week's regional elections in three German federal states and the local elections in the state of Hesse, which give a useful snapshot of the soon-to-be-united left

'Marxists' for another Labour Party

23 Mar 2006

The March 19 launch of the Socialist Party's Campaign for a New Workers' Party went according to plan, writes Peter Manson. The 450 comrades who signed up to its founding declaration overwhelmingly voted for the SP's plans for a Labour Party mark two.

Yes to merger

23 Mar 2006

Claus Ludwig is a member of the Wahlalternative Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit (WASG) and the Sozialistische Alternative (SAV) - the German sister party of the Socialist Party in England and Wales. In 2002, he was elected as a councillor in Cologne. He spoke to Tina Becker about the difficulties in uniting the WASG and the Linkspartei.PDS

You're out, comrade X!

23 Mar 2006

No names

23 Mar 2006

Wrong thoughts

23 Mar 2006

Fight for state power

23 Mar 2006

Students and youth in France are protesting against the government's attempts to impose its 'first employment contract' (CPE) on young workers, which would deprive them of employment rights for the first two years. Emile Fabrol of the communist journal La Lettre de Prométhée looks at the situation thrown up by the current mass protests.

Martin Smith and his telephone expulsion

23 Mar 2006

As the latest case shows, any member who dares to question the Socialist Workers' Party's political trajectory faces expulsion by telephone. Martin Smith's regime is a disgrace and discredits the left in general, writes SW Kenning

Flame war reignites

16 Mar 2006

On the eve of this weekend's anti-war demonstration, another row has blown up between the two wings of the Morning Star's Communist Party of Britain over its stance on the occupation of Iraq, writes Peter Manson

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