
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Socialist Action relegates solidarity

11 Feb 2010

Tony Greenstein gives his view of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign annual conference

Motherhood and apple pie

11 Feb 2010

Laurie McCauley reports on last Saturday's surprisingly positive conference of leftwing student activists

Left Platform lines up with Moussavi

11 Feb 2010

The Reesites no longer peddle the line that Iran is a democratic country. But despite Lindsey German's resignation from the SWP, their support for the 'green movement', including the butcher Moussavi, shows that the comrades still have not learned what principled international solidarity is, says Tina Becker

A reminder

11 Feb 2010

The disgraceful role of Campaign Iran, outlined by Tina Becker

Left in Die Linke loses its Bonaparte

11 Feb 2010

The resignation of Oskar Lafontaine is a serious blow to the German left party. Tina Becker reports

Oil-slick divisions

11 Feb 2010

International Marxist Tendency has suffered a damaging split. Not a new phenomenon, notes James Turley

Socialist Action and the PSC

04 Feb 2010

Ahead of this Saturday's Palestine Solidarity Campaign AGM, Tony Greenstein of Brighton PSC argues that Socialist Action is leading the movement nowhere

Sects and fronts go round in ever diminishing circles

04 Feb 2010

Dave Isaacson argues for a united revolutionary student organisation

Latest 'united front' launched

04 Feb 2010

Chris Strafford reports on the 'Right to Work' conference

A real united front could organise unemployed

28 Jan 2010

Mike Macnair takes a looks ahead to the SWP's 'Right to Work' conference

No more proscriptions, bans or secret cabals

21 Jan 2010

The CPB has pulled out of Tusc, reports Peter Manson. Where does that leave the coalition?

Left Platform trounced

14 Jan 2010

Peter Manson reports on an overwhelming victory for Martin Smith and the central committee

Accentuate the positive

14 Jan 2010

At last the establishment of a left unity electoral coalition has been confirmed by the highly secretive 'core group'. But, asks Mike Macnair, is this unity built on sand?

Email thought crimes and the Left Platform

17 Dec 2009

The SWP central committee has made its intentions regarding the opposition Left Platform crystal-clear, writes Peter Manson. John Rees, Lindsey German, Chris Nineham and their supporters now look set to be charged with 'factionalism' and expelled

Jesus the communist

10 Dec 2009

Laurie McCauley reports on a meeting attended by Christians and communists

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