
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Help not required?

29 Apr 2010

Peter Manson reports on the welcome he received from Tusc campaigners in south London

Confidence and conscience clauses

29 Apr 2010

Around 120 people attended the 'Women's question time' organised by Tower Hamlets Respect on Wednesday April 21. Ben Lewis was among them

Direct action

29 Apr 2010

Phil Kent explains that the working class needs to be the class of democracy

Uniting the community

29 Apr 2010

Jenny Sutton, the Tusc candidate in Tottenham, talked to Nick Rogers

Selected by a mass meeting

29 Apr 2010

David Henry of the Hazel Must Go campaign is Tusc candidate for Salford and Eccles. Chris Strafford interviewed him

Turning heads in Tottenham

22 Apr 2010

Point the struggle of the working class towards clear political objectives, argues Nick Rogers

Campaigning in South Wales

15 Apr 2010

Bob Davies finds the SWP declining to do Tusc work, while the excluded CPGB is actively working in the campaign

No help needed?

08 Apr 2010

Dave McAllister wonders what the main players in Tusc are afraid of

Misusing Marx and Engels

01 Apr 2010

Allan Armstrong of the Scottish Socialist Party's international committee replies to Nick Rogers

Let diversity flourish on left

01 Apr 2010

CPGB members from Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire are supporting Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition general election candidate Paul Crofts in the Wellingborough and Rushden constituency. Dave Isaacson spoke to him about the campaign

McDonnell campaign hots up

01 Apr 2010

Tina Becker reports from Hayes and Harlington on the problem of distinguishing candidate from party

Socialists in trade union clothing

01 Apr 2010

Peter Manson was at the very modest official launch of the latest halfway house project

SWPism without the SWP

01 Apr 2010

Mark Fischer looks at the new project of Lindsey German and John Rees

Critical vote for Abjol

25 Mar 2010

Respect's general election challenge is warming up in east London. Back from the campaign trail, Ben Lewis takes a look at Respect's politics and the people involved

Whoring for business

25 Mar 2010

Jim Moody finds yawning democratic gaps, including in Tusc policies

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