
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

South African left: Attempt to go round already existing mass organisations

04 Apr 2013

Wasp might be able to sting the SACP/Cosatu bureaucracy. But, asks Peter Manson, can it become a mass party capable of leading a socialist revolution?

Anti-cuts movement: Frontism produces no lasting gains

04 Apr 2013

What can we expect from the People’s Assembly? Dave Isaacson looks at the June 22 build-up

Learning and struggle: Stalinism, sectarianism and Marxist education

28 Mar 2013

There exists a dialectical relationship between deepening Marxist understanding and the fight for a Marxist party, argues Paul B Smith

SWP leadership crisis: If you don’t talk about it ...

21 Mar 2013

Peter Manson thinks that the SWP leadership needs to stop doing its ostrich impression

Student elections: Campaigning for communism

21 Mar 2013

Communist Students member Callum Williamson reports on his campaign during the Univeristy of Westminster Union student elections

Chávez obituary: Man, myth and legacy

14 Mar 2013

Nick Rogers looks at the Bolivarian revolution of Hugo Chávez

Anti-war anniversary: Party with all-round strategy needed

14 Mar 2013

Moshé Machover looks back at a decade of anti-war protest. This is an edited version of his speech to the March 9 ‘Ten wasted years?’ school, organised by the CPGB

SPEW: Peter Taaffe and his own scandal

14 Mar 2013

Ben Lewis discusses SPEW’s version of ‘democratic centralism’

SWP factions: Two errors of the opposition

14 Mar 2013

SWP lynchers were emboldened by a weak opposition, argues Eddie Ford

SWP special conference: Apparatus uses fair means and foul

14 Mar 2013

Peter Manson asks what can still be saved from the SWP

SWP special conference: Divided they fall

07 Mar 2013

The Socialist Workers Party leadership is attempting to divide the opposition. Taking the bait would be suicide, reckons Paul Demarty

Tusc: Let’s get this party started

07 Mar 2013

The current Tusc model has failed, argues Nick Wrack

Alex Callinicos: haunted by the real Lenin

07 Mar 2013

Ben Lewis observed few signs of ‘revolt’ at last weekend’s SWSS day school

ULA blow-up: Legacy of sectarianism

28 Feb 2013

As the ULA stares into the abyss, Anne Mc Shane looks back at two years of cynical betrayal

SWP CC and theory: Self-serving dishonesty

28 Feb 2013

Do the Socialist Workers Party’s ‘stability’ and ‘clear perspectives’ result from its ban on permanent factions? You must be joking, writes Mike Macnair

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