
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

SWP crisis: Silence of the lambs

28 Feb 2013

The ‘softly, softly’ approach of the Socialist Workers Party opposition contrasts with the leadership’s aggression, argues Paul Demarty

Programme and Party: Broad bad, mass good

21 Feb 2013

Opportunists require mushy politics and meaningless phrases when they set out to deceive. Jack Conrad argues in favour of a mass working class party and the kind of principles and politics outlined in the Communist manifesto, the Erfurt programme and the programme of the Parti Ouvrier

Socialist Party: Taaffe’s significant silence

21 Feb 2013

The Socialist Party in England and Wales appears to have decided to effectively ignore the SWP crisis. But why? Ben Lewis investigates

SWP crisis: Lynch mobs and lèse-majesté

21 Feb 2013

The Socialist Workers Party leadership is fighting a dirty war. Unfortunately, writes Paul Demarty, nobody seems to have told the opposition

Left organisation: Not another sinister sect

21 Feb 2013

The way the left organises is a nonsense, argues Nick Wrack. This is an edited version of his speech at the February 9 ‘Socialist Organisation and Democracy’ event in Manchester

SWP crisis: Twilight of the idols

14 Feb 2013

The central committee has once again failed to reassert control. But dirty tricks are inevitable, writes Paul Demarty

Owen Jones polemic: Babies and bathwater

07 Feb 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists thinks that Owen Jones has thrown out the democratic baby

SWP crisis: Green light for expulsions

07 Feb 2013

The opposition is about to be given a new lease of life, writes Peter Manson

SWP: No return to normal

24 Jan 2013

The fight for democracy and accountability in the SWP is gaining ground, reports Ben Lewis

ACI Hardy & Cooper: Beyond ‘anti-capitalism’

24 Jan 2013

Harley Filben reviews: Luke Cooper and Simon Hardy, 'Beyond capitalism? The future of radical politics'. Zero Books, 2013, pp174, £11.99

Sexism: Macho culture and the lessons we can learn from the Middle East

17 Jan 2013

How should sexism be combated? Yassamine Mather compares the situation in Britain with the practice of two guerrilla organisations

SWP: Another week, another resignation

17 Jan 2013

Jon Hosier explains why he has chosen to resign from the SWP

SWP and women: Countless zigs and zags over women’s oppression

17 Jan 2013

The central committee claims that the SWP has a consistent record of fighting for women’s liberation. Former national committee member Dave Isaacson sheds light on the not so excellent truth

The left: Rebellion, regroupment and the party we need

17 Jan 2013

Ben Lewis surveys the British left’s response to the crisis gripping the SWP, and calls for a radical change of culture

Opposition blog?: Doubts exist over authenticity

17 Jan 2013

The Weekly Worker is publishing a statement from the new 'SWP Opposition' blog, but doubts over the blogs authenticity remain, reports Peter Manson

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