
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Last lap

16 Aug 2019

Summer offensive 2019

Fabian or anarchist?

16 Aug 2019

Mike Macnair continues his critical discussion of the ‘Kautsky debate’ in the United States.

Widening frame of debate

08 Aug 2019

Mike Macnair begins an examination of the ‘Kautsky debate’ that is taking place on the US left.

Liberal and illiberal delusions

02 Aug 2019

Mike Macnair argues that capitalism cannot escape from the battles of liberals and conservatives

Taaffe expels his majority

02 Aug 2019

Paul Demarty reports on the finalisation of the split in the Committee for a Workers’ International.

Taaffe counts his shekels

18 Jul 2019

The two sides in the CWI dispute are engaged in a tawdry wrangling over cash, writes Paul Demarty

Squandering the Legacy

12 Jul 2019

SPEW is severing its ties with the PCS leadership - because of its political errors, argues Paul Demarty

Drop the dead donkey

04 Jul 2019

Peter Taaffe’s determination to split his would-be international is yet more proof of his unfitness for leadership, argues Paul Demarty

Force the ANC to retreat

04 Jul 2019

Going back to apartheid practices means denying democracy. Peter Manson looks at the ‘traditional peoples’ legislation

What will be left?

20 Jun 2019

The split in the Committee for a Workers’ International ought to put paid to its delusions of grandeur, writes Paul Demarty

Fiasco nears conclusion

13 Jun 2019

Peter Taaffe’s split-mongering shows that loyalty to him is the yardstick of orthodoxy in his ‘international’, argues Paul Demarty

Silent treatment

30 May 2019

The failure of some left groups to back the Labour Party is the fruit of deep-rooted problems in method, argues Paul Demarty

Take a class stand

23 May 2019

Peter Manson condemns leftwing traitors - both of the open kind and the silent kind

Pointer to disillusionment

16 May 2019

ANC support continues to drop, writes Peter Manson, but the main beneficiary is the black nationalist EFF

Commitment to orderly progress

09 May 2019

Jim Creegan argues, in his second and concluding article, that while Karl Kautsky’s writings contained insights, his entire political career can only serve as a negative example. We intend to carry a rejoinder in the near future

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