
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Organised chaos

18 Apr 1996

Party notes

The Fourth International Supporters Caucus

11 Apr 1996

The Fisc operates as a secret faction inside the SLP. We defend their right to do so, but oppose their hypocritical witch-hunting of others. Below we reprint a large portion of the Fisc report to a recent meeting of the international Trotskyist grouping USFI

Party deficit in Iran

11 Apr 1996

Gerry Downing of Socialist Outlook debates the Iranian revolution following a meeting of the Brent Socialist Forum

Idealist tendencies

11 Apr 1996

Initial comments on the draft programme of the CPGB by Phil Sharpe of the Trotskyist Unity Group

Militant in Ireland

11 Apr 1996

Ian Mahoney reviews 'Troubled Times - the national question in Ireland' by Peter Hadden (Herald Books, pp159, £5.99)

News agency news

11 Apr 1996

Communist press

Rapprochement, but for what?

11 Apr 1996


Communist pole of attraction

11 Apr 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

NUM strength and weakness

11 Apr 1996

SWP shuns Scottish Socialist Alliance

11 Apr 1996

SLP election campaign scuppered

11 Apr 1996

Bureaucratic manoeuvre overturns members’ decision

Some questions to Militant Labour

04 Apr 1996

The common theoretical programme for communists

04 Apr 1996

As the communist rapprochement process develops debates around programme are taking a central place. A seminar series to open the debate to groups on the revolutionary left is being launched in May. The discussion begins in this week’s paper with a contribution from Open Polemic. We welcome others

Open Polemic on the question of programme

04 Apr 1996

New Labour, old Labour

04 Apr 1996

Communist press

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