
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Significant silence

27 Feb 1997

Turning its back on revolution

27 Feb 1997

Eddie Ford examines the implications of Deng Xiaoping’s death and the history of the Communist Party of China

Appeal for socialist unity

27 Feb 1997

Thumping people

27 Feb 1997

Party notes

No unity without democracy

27 Feb 1997

The Weekly Worker criticised for open debate

Two Scargills and two election tactics

13 Feb 1997

SLP: news and comment

Democracy bypassed in Scottish Socialist Alliance

13 Feb 1997

Nick Clarke looks at the development of the SSA as the general election looms

National question and the ‘lesser evil’

13 Feb 1997

Martin Blum discusses a working class answer to the national question in the former Yugoslavia

Cosmetic face lift

13 Feb 1997

Around the left

Colombian general strike

13 Feb 1997

Picket against Fujimori

13 Feb 1997

Strike throws Ecuador government into crisis

13 Feb 1997

Juan Ponce of Poder Obrero calls for workers’ independence in Ecuador

Why change?

13 Feb 1997

Party notes

SLP branch reports

06 Feb 1997

Struggle for democracy takes centre stage

06 Feb 1997

Brent Socialist Labour Party has sent out this press release in response to articles in the Morning Star. It is calling on the support of other branches for their right to select their own candidate for the election and against the witch hunt

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