
Marxist unity > Socialist Labour Party

New found optimism

27 Jun 1996

Around the left

Socialist United

27 Jun 1996

After Militant Labour’s successful by-election campaign in Hillingdon, Lee-Anne Bates spoke to ML’s Gary Harbord about how the left together can raise the banner of the revolutionary alternative to Labour

The arse-end of Pabloism

27 Jun 1996

Party Notes

For a Communist-Labour Party

20 Jun 1996

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) debates the way forward for the SLP

Fisc splits over ‘British road’

20 Jun 1996

The Fourth International Supporters Caucus is a highly secret faction, well ensconced in the topmost positions in the SLP. Not content with fronting the anti-communist witch hunt, Fisc decided to provide the apologetic theory necessary to justify Scargill and his draft constitution. For those within Fisc who retain a commitment to revolutionary politics this was a reformist step too far

No witch hunt ... yet

20 Jun 1996

Winning our comrades

20 Jun 1996

Our backyard

20 Jun 1996

Party notes

Old or new, anti-communism remains anti-communism

13 Jun 1996

Why did Arthur Scargill write and impose the constitution he did? It owes everything to MacDonald and nothing to Marx

A socialist immigration policy?

13 Jun 1996

The Marxist responds to the Weekly Worker article of May 9 on the SLP conference

Understand history: don’t repeat it

06 Jun 1996

“Invalidating” the membership of those deemed to be “breaching the democracy” of the SLP seems to be an NEC code word for an anti-communist witch hunt. There are important lessons from the 1920s

Those who wait

06 Jun 1996

Around the left

SLP: what’s possible, what’s not ...

06 Jun 1996

Party notes

Jobs not job seekers

30 May 1996

Taking our bearings

30 May 1996

First meeting of the SLP’s NEC takes some important decisions

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