

SLP: news and comment

SL Kenning

Election cash

One of comrade Sikorski’s last acts as general secretary/treasurer was to send £1,200 to the Peckham branch in South London. The money is intended for the general election and fielding the selected candidate, Angela Ruddock. Peckham Constituency SLP is effectively the fiefdom of our old friend, Tony Goss. It is worth asking then whether his close relationship to the Fiscites means Goss’s branch is being given preferential treatment? I do hope not.

Either way all branches which have selected a prospective parliamentary candidate should immediately demand similar financial aid.

EPSR motions

Desperately trying to ingratiate themselves with the powers that be supporters of the homosexual-hating, red-baiting Economic and Philosophic Science Review have been submitting witch-hunting motions at every opportunity.

Having discussed the content of its first newsletter, Vauxhall branch agreed that there should be a debate in its columns on “the programme of the SLP and the Revolutionary Platform”. Funnily enough, though he had participated in the first conference of the Revolutionary Platform, though he voted on its programme, Comrade Rod George was now having none of this.

Stung by criticim in these pages, EPSR editor Royston Bull decided that the only way to hit back was to turn his miserable band of supporters into auxiliary witchhunters. Minion Rod George therefore submitted this piece of hypocritical nonse: “A newsletter should express individual views within the party but not publish factional documents which criticise the leadership.” The very fact that the comrade put his motion stemmed directly from factional instructions from his master in Stockport.